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Tyler POV

I glanced up at the clock for the millionth time that day. We still had half an hour till lunch. Yuck.

Stretching out my arms, my head instinctively whipped round to where Jody would be sitting in Maths. Her seat was empty. No one to pull weird faces at. She'd gone on a History trip, somewhere in the country. She'd be alright; Sasha was keeping her company. But me..?

I was bored. A whole week without hanging out with Jody was making me realise how dull life was without her. I'd tried everything to shake off the boredom; trying to get in with the football squad (and failing), trying to connect with Ryan (and well, disconnecting)...

Nothing seemed to work. Everything had become completely and utterly pointless. Sighing, I gave in and dropped my head onto my desk. The only thing I could do was sleep.

 The only thing I could do was sleep

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"Missing your girlfriend?"

I turned my head sideways, meeting Daniel's smirk with a glare. The annoying kid.

"She's not my girlfriend, okay Dan?" I hissed back, before smiling knowingly.

"Not like you and Michaela. You know she's only going out with you as a joke right?"

Dan had been trying to win the attention of Miss Popular, Michaela Bentley, and I'd overheard her gossiping to her sidekicks about how pathetic Dan was to have fallen for her pretence. I felt bad for him, since he'd been trying for so long to gain her attention. He deserved better.

I looked back at Dan, expecting him to look hurt. Instead, he seemed to be wearing a smile on his face.

"How about I prove it to you?" he asked me, before chucking a bit of paper at Michaela's back. She whipped her hair over her shoulder annoyed, raising one perfect eyebrow.

I could barely watch.

Before I could stop him, Dan had already leaned in towards Michaela and had pulled her to him. Oh. They were kissing! My eyes widened in horror, as the seconds on the clock seemed to pass much faster than they had before.

When they were done, I could only stare at Dan's smug grin speechless.

"You want to be taking tips from me..." he chuckled, as Michaela ducked her head hiding a grin. Everyone else had been cheering them on, until the teacher came back in.

Dan and Michaela... who knew?!

Being bored definitely had its benefits. I could sit by myself at lunch. No one could bothered me and no one could distract...


"So Tyler, here's where I think you're going wrong..." Daniel advised me, as I rolled my eyes. Great. Now I had to put up with his rubbish.

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