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Jody POV

The day was finally here. Kingsley was going to be released from prison, and I had to make sure that everything was perfect. I'd stolen a few more objects from the Dumping Ground, but they'd understand eventually.

I was making an effort; securing my future.

The doorbell rang sharply, and I allowed myself one final appreciation of the room before hurrying out to the door to open it.

And there he was. Unmistakably my brother. And he had a massive grin on his face, as he greeted me.

"Hello sis.." he chuckled, as I leapt into his arms in delight. I couldn't believe it!

We'd done it. We'd got him home and soon our family would be reunited once again.

I led him inside and he shrugged somewhat sadly as he examined the rooms, "It's not much better than prison is it?"

I ducked my head sadly as I carefully placed a smelly candle on the counter. I'd failed..

"Only messing with you, you monkey! You done good!" he teased before taking me by the shoulders. There was pride in his eyes. Genuine pride.

It was small steps, but we'd get there. Eventually.

Tyler POV

My head swarmed with the thought of Jody. She'd barely talked to me all week and every time I asked if she wanted to hang out, she seemed distracted. Maybe Carmen was right, and there was something going on with Jody but she wouldn't talk to me.

Besides with random objects going missing in the house, everyone else had their suspicions raised too.

"Jody's phone rang out so I called the dentist. She ain't been in there for months.." Bailey quietly informed us.


"That doesn't add up!" I exclaimed.

"Course it does, Jody keeps disappearing, things go missing, she lies about where she is... she's a thief!" Archie concluded. I bit back the frustration, he had no evidence!

"She has been acting really weird all week.." Bailey realised as we entered Mo's room.

"Even Carmen noticed!" Joseph exclaimed, sitting himself on a chair, "That must be why she asked Tyler to keep an eye on her mustn't it? She said she needed some looking after.."

"Hey!" I snapped, "That was a private conversation!"

Joseph quickly scurried out of the room. The little cheek, eavesdropping on other people!

Bailey and Mo both raised their eyebrows questioningly. Time to put things right.

"Look Jody's a mate; she's one of the good guys! Carmen was just worried.." I tried pathetically but I could barely convince myself.

"Carmen worried about Jody? She must be in really deep trouble then.." Bailey said, "We need to find her.."

"Where do we look?" I asked reluctantly.

Mo suddenly took out his tablet. Apparently Jody had asked him to keep a tracker on her phone, because she kept losing it. He showed us a map, and we soon discovered that she wasn't too far away from here.

I still didn't want to believe that Jody was the thief, but maybe finding her could give us some answers.

I still didn't want to believe that Jody was the thief, but maybe finding her could give us some answers

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