🥀 Father 🥀

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Ship: Elliot x Reader
Type: angst

Nobody's POV

Elliot had decided to invite Y/N to the garden after classes ended so they could spend some time away from others, picking flowers and watching the sun on the horizon. They did this a lot, they liked to get away from the rest of the world, especially Elliot. His home life isn't the best, his mother, though, was one of the nicest people you could ever meet. She had his coral hair and calm personality.

Meanwhile, his father was the main reason for wanting to stay in the garden. He was never nice to Elliot but now that he was dating Y/N, it had only gotten even worse. He said they were 'too different' and Elliot could get someone way better than them. This hurt both Elliot and Y/N a lot.

But now they were in the garden, they felt like no one could hurt them. No father, no friend, no nobody.

Suddenly, Elliot got a phone call, and his face went pale.

Elliot's POV

I was sitting in the garden, talking to Y/N when I got a phone call. Y/N asked me who it was and the colour drained from my face.

"It's my dad"

Me and Y/N started to panic as I answered the phone, trying to sound as confident as possible.


"ELLIOT! Where are you?! You're not with that Y/N are you?!"

"N-no father! I swear!"

I heard him scream and then hang up the phone. I looked over at Y/N and saw tears in their eyes. "H-hey, everything is going to be ok, Y/N, I swear!" I tried confronting them, but it didn't seem to work so well. "I-it's not. You remember what he said if he saw you with me again!"

They were right. I remember last month, he caught us hugging and banned us from seeing each other. Of course, in school, we could get away with it all we liked, but the thought of him catching us together again, who knows what he would do if he saw us together again. I gave them a hug and kissed them on the cheek.

"You're safe with me, in the garden."

Words: 378
I'm proud of this one ngl

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