🧋 Waiter 🧋

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Ship: Sean x Jake
Requested by: thatbasicmemes
Type: fluff/ tiny bit of angst but not much
Waiter Sean AU (that doesn't have a crush on Daisy)

Jake's POV

I tiredly walked into the cafe after a long day of rehearsals. Sean had walked away quite quickly today, and I'm quite suspicious of it. Never mind, I'll ask him tomorrow.

I slowly walked into the small cafe, hearing a faint bell ding signalling to a teen boy to come and bring me to my seat. I recognised him, I however couldn't put my finger on who it was. Wait...

"Sean?!" I said, completely surprised. "Hey dude," he said with his usual cute smile on his face, "didn't expect you to come here, huh?" He chuckled at his own remark.

"Yeah.." I sighed, blushing at our awkwardness, or at least I think that was the reason. Sean tapped me in the shoulder twice and led me to a large table with two bar-like stools.

The black eyed boy set a large mocha down in front of me and said, "I'll be back in a second!" He gave me a soft smile that made my heart melt for unknown reasons. I didn't even know why I felt like that around him.

Once he came back, he set a large mocha, identical to mine, down and we got talking.

"So," Sean began, "how's you and Daisy?" I sighed. Daisy and I have been dating for two months now, and it just doesn't feel right. I thought we would be made for each other, but recently, we barely even batter an eye to each other. I'm also not as nervous around her as I used to be. I assumed this was because we were dating and I got used to being around her, but now, I just don't know.

"We're.." I thought about my answer for a few moments, "we're fine." "You sure, dude?" Sean said, unsure with my answer, "it's just-" I banged my hands on the table. I had enough of hiding the painful truth.

"I don't like Daisy anymore.."

Sean looked at me with a very surprised look on his face. "You don't like her?" He asked, looking for confirmation. I nodded. "Oh," he said, smiling, "I'm glad you got that off your chest." I gazed up at him.

"Sean?" I asked nervously. "Yeah." He said extremely quickly. "Why were you so excited about that?" He froze.

"I.. umm.." he stammered, desperately looking for excuses. "I-" my heart skipped a beat. I realised two things;

Sean likes Daisy,


I like Sean.

"Sean." I said, even more serious than before. "You.. like d-" he stopped me before I could finish.

"I'm in love with you."

I sat, unable to move. I eventually moved my pale hand, which couldn't stop shaking, and put it on Sean's. He looked up at me and smiled. I returned his smile with mine and a clasped his hand tighter.

I took a deep breath as Sean put his free hand over my shoulder. I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "I.." I stuttered.

"Sean, I love you too."

526 words!
Ty for the request!

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