📦 Package 📦

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Ship: Drew x Jake
Requested by: cloudless_cacti
Type: fluff

Nobody's POV

Drew lay on his bed, bored out of his mind. His phone constantly dinged with messages from his friends, but he wasn't bothered to look at them.

He just wanted to go to sleep.

There was a sudden knock at the door which startled the magenta haired boy. He got up slowly and answered the door.

"Hello?" He said, groggily, while he rubbed his dark, brown eyes. He suddenly jumped at the sight in front of him.

Jake, holding a package.

"Can I come in?" He asked sarcastically. Drew blushed and slowly nodded. Jake walked in sideways while still carrying the package.

"What's in there?" Drew asked, quietly yawning. "Something for you," Jake announced slyly, "you can open it now if you wa-" Drew suddenly began to the cardboard box, desperately trying to escape his boring Sunday.

He looked inside to see...

A little teddy bear.

Drew turned pink at the gift. He then, after a bit of thinking, looked up at Jake with a smile.

His genuine smile.

"Thanks Jake." He whispered. Jake turned red along with the magenta haired boy. "Y-yeah not a problem." He stuttered. Drew chuckled. "Wanna stay over? My parents are out on a business trip." "Sure, I'd like that!" Jake exclaimed.

Once the two brown eyed boys had made it upstairs, they laid on Drew's purple bed, talking about life and Drew's parents.

Recently, his parents had been going on lots of trips for work and other things. It annoyed Drew a lot, but the magenta haired boy didn't mind, as long as he could buy stuff for Zoey, right?

Jake yawned. "Hey Drew? Mind if I sleep here? I'm real tired." He thought for a few seconds before saying, "Sure."

Two hours later, the brown eyed boys laid asleep cuddling on Drew's bed.

In the morning

Drew woke up fast after finding himself in Jake's arms. He carefully pushed him away, trying not to wake him. Drew thought he looked so cute when he was sleeping.

I mean, Drew thought he looked cute all the time.

If only he knew how far he's going to fall in love with him...

369 words!
Ty for the request!

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