📱 Late night calls 📱

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Ship: Drake
Type: Angst

Jake's POV

I laid awake in my bed, starring up at the ceiling. I'm usually asleep within 10 minutes of my head hitting my pillow, but tonight, I just couldn't sleep. I can't stop myself from constantly turning my head and staring at my clock. It said 2:04am.

Suddenly, my phone started to ring. A few seconds were spent trying to find it, it ended up being right beside my alarm clock. 'Way to make me feel like a dunce.' I thought as I read the caller ID. Drew.

I hadn't told anyone about this, but, I don't actually like Daisy. I never have. I only faked liking her so my feelings for Drew would be hidden. Nobody would ever know. I just wish he would like me back. I answered the phone.

(Authors note: this is Drew and this is Jake)

"Hi." He said it quite nervously, but tried to make himself sound stern.
"You alright? It's like 4 past 2."
"Y-yeah... it's just.."

Wait.. what's he gonna say?

"I need to get something off my chest.."
"Oh, what is it?" I was getting quite nervous.
"I know you like Daisy and all but..."
"I don't." I instantly regretted what I said. Now he's gonna figure out my feelings for him any day now.
"W-what? You joined that club for her. You don't actually like her?"
"I-"  I hung up. I didn't want him to know the truth.

Maybe one day you'll feel the same...

Words: 257
Might do part 2 but idk yet ;W;

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