🎧 "Can You Hear Me?" 🎧

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Ship: Milly x Stacy


Type: Angst


For BritBeth_Forever


TW: Mentions of death




September 17th. The date that would haunt Stacy for the rest of her painful, little life. The day that the love of her life died.

The day that Milly died.

The navy-haired girl could remember it so vividly, almost too vividly. Doctors and nurses ran in and out of the hospital room as she paced outside, shaking uncontrollably. Every now and then, Stacy would ask one of the doctors if her girlfriend was okay.

Unfortunately, nobody had a straight answer for a while. That was until 3 hours later, when she received the worst possible news:

"We're sorry. She didn't make it."

The periwinkle-eyed girl didn't get a wink of sleep that night, in fact, she barely got any sleep for the next 2 weeks.

It was now exactly 3 years after the pink-haired girl's death, and Stacy couldn't help but recklessly sob into her feathery pillow on her fuchsia-coloured bed.

Lifting her head up slightly, she looked at the two dark, damp circles on the pillow, where her eyes were while she cried. Stacy sighed sadly and laid her head back on the wet pillow, this time facing her cream-coloured desk.

On it was her phone, a pair of grey earphones, a small mirror, and the most daunting of all:

A picture of her and Milly.

On the top, left corner was a tiny crack. It happened the night Stacy came home after she heard the news of Milly's death. Out of grief, she threw the picture at the wall, causing the crack. Immediately afterwards, regretting her actions, Stacy picked up the picture frame with her trembling hands and hugged it tightly.

All of a sudden, as she was staring at the photo, the blue-haired girl's phone vibrated loudly. Desperate to distract herself from grieving, she grabbed the device.

Spotify : check out your Daily Mix!

Wiping away her delicate tears, Stacy grabbed her earphones, plugged them into her phone, and clicked on the Spotify icon on her screen.

12 minutes later

After mindlessly clicking on songs, hoping that at least one of them would sound appealing to her, the navy-haired girl sighed disappointingly  while continuing to scroll through her playlist.

Finally, after another 3 minutes of mindlessly scrolling, Stacy found a song that she actually liked the sound of. She took a deep breath, lying down on the fluffy bed and closing her periwinkle orbs.

It was a calm melody, something which Stacy needed in her moment of mourning. It stayed exactly like that until...

"Hello? Can you hear me?"

Stacy sat up abruptly, breaking out in a cold sweat. The song had been playing for around a minute, and there were no lyrics in it, so it probably wasn't that.

She glanced around her room, looking out for the someone, or something who asked the question. Unfortunately, as far as she knew, nothing was there. Gulping, the blue-haired girl hesitantly replied to the voice.

"H-hello? Who said that..?"

No answer. Not even a peep.

After a few seconds, Stacy decided to try and forget about it and attempt to relax again. That was until...

"It's me."

Stacy jumped. The voice! It was back! Wait... 'it's me'? That's the least specific answer somebody could give to that question. Confused, the navy-haired girl asked yet another question.

"Who's... who's me?"

Unlike the other time, it only took a few moments until she got a response.


Suddenly, a jet-black shadow appeared out of the corner of the bedroom. At this point, Stacy's heart was in her throat as the shadow approached her. The figure sat on the bed, facing the scared girl, and rubbed her back.

"It's me. Milly."


633 words!

Hi! I hope you enjoyed this oneshot! 🙂

Password: Bethany watching the Olympics 🤩

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