🤝 Reunited 🤝

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Ship: none
Requested by: Moondragonice
Type: fluff and angst
(Includes OCs)

Nobody's POV

Lilac laid down on her bed, tiredly watching the ceiling fan spin round and round, almost making herself dizzy.

A small ding from her phone suddenly snapped her back to reality. Desperate to escape her everlasting boredom, she quickly picked up her phone, nearly dropping it in the process, and reading the text message. Her jaw dropped.

"Hey Lilac, it's Luna. Wanna meet? It's been so long."

Her heart beat in with throat and goosebumps covered her skin as she slowly typed her reply, her hands shaking uncontrollably.

"Yeah. I'd like to do that. We can meet next week? We have a concert then."

The aqua haired girl sat bolt-upright, frequently checking her phone, even though she knew there wasn't any reply yet. The second there was a reply, however, Lilac almost instantly picked up the phone and read the long text message in front of her.

"I'd love that! Y'know, ever since mom left dad and I, I've always felt a little empty, do you ever feel like that? I hope you miss me, because I miss you. I'll see you there!"

Lilac smiled at her twin's text and tried to fall asleep, but her excitement could not let her...

The next day

Lilac danced to the music room, panting when she got to the wooden door. She swung the door open, getting stares from the entire club.

"You look happy." Sean said, confused. She smiled even wider than before. "I am!" She exclaimed, "Luna's meeting us at the concert!" Jake's face lit up, but the rest of the club still looked puzzled.

"Really?" The peach haired boy said, unable to contain his excitement. "Yeah.." Lilac said, calming down. She suddenly felt nervous.

"What if.." suddenly, a thousand questions bursted in her mind.

"What if it's not her?"
"What if she hates me?"
"What if she doesn't show up?"
"What if-"

"It'll be alright." Luke interrupted her scared thoughts. This calmed the aqua haired girl. "Thanks.." she said.

Lilac's POV

"Well," Hailey started, "we better start practicing!" Everyone nodded, including me.

The night of the concert

Everyone was ready. We were backstage while the host was introducing us. Hailey and Jake were singing, Sean was DJ, Milly played the electric guitar, Zander was playing the piano, Luke was on the drums and I was playing the violin.

We played every note, not missing a beat. It ended perfectly and everyone clapped.

I looked across the crowd and my eyes locked with a girl, who looked very familiar...


I suddenly jumped off stage and went to hug her, crying in the process. The rest of the club stared in awe as we hugged for the first time since we were eight.

"I miss you!" She suddenly bursted into tears, along with me. The rest of the club came and hugged us as well.

That was the best concert ever,

Because Luna saw it happen.

499 words!
Ty for the request!

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