🌅 Sunset 🌅

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Ship: Zander x Elliot
Type: Fluff

It was a calm 7 pm. The golden sun peaked past a few fluffy clouds and the tangerine sky looked as gorgeous as ever. A yellow hayfield stood nearly empty, a gentle breeze swaying the Sandy-coloured hay from side to side. The only individuals who were in the field were two teenage boys called Zander and Elliot.

"The sunset is beautiful tonight.." Elliot mumbled, gazing at the puffy clouds, which were the same colour as his hair, a pastel, charming coral colour. His boyfriend sighed.

"It really is." The periwinkle-eyed boy whispered, his soft, pale hand intertwining with the gardener's. Zander glanced over at him - galactic purple meeting warm brown.

Zander wasn't sure if it was the golden sun or Elliot's mesmerising eyes, but his cheeks seemed to turn bright pink. The hazel-eyed boy, who was also blushing, giggled at him.

"You're stunning when you're embarrassed." The coral-haired boy complimented through his laughter. The pale boy covered his face with the back of his hand as he flushed even redder.

"E-Elliot!" He stuttered, secretly smiling from behind his hand.

Once the laughter died down, the boys cuddled in silence. By then, the silver stars and moon were coming out and the sky was dark blue.

Elliot sighed. "We should get going sweetie," he said, "it's getting dark."

When he heard no response, he decided to look down at his partner, who was fast asleep in his arms. The tired boy grinned at this. "Oh Zander," he muttered.

"I'm going to marry you one day.."

I'm sorry this is so short, I'm just starting to recover from my writers block ;W; anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

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