🚙 Road Trip 🚙

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Ships: Drander and some Jailey
Requested by: Tocobell321234
Type: fluff
AU where Drew was the club's drummer instead of Luke-

Drew's POV

The rest of the club and I were going on a road trip! Well, not technically a road trip, we were in Sean's grey jeep to go to the band competition! We were all extremely excited, especially Zander, he looks so cute when he's excited. His smile makes me blush a deep crimson whenever I saw it. "Drew, are you excited?!" He asked me, practically jumping out of his seat and taking my hand. My entire face turned pink, "Y-yeah.. I am." I replied, smiling and blushing.

I heard a small conversation between Hailey and Jake in the boot. (A/N the car has seats in the boot ;W;) They tried to whisper, but they were doing a very bad job of keeping it secretive. I almost laughed with how obvious they made their feelings for each other.

"You alright, princess?" "Yeah! I'm really excite- did you just call me princess?!" "Heh, yeah.." Hailey cheeks turned a light pink. "I'm sorry!" Jake said, too dramatically for it to not be sarcasm. The teal haired girl began to slightly stutter, but at that point, I lost interest in their conversation.

Zander cuddled up to me tightly. "Baby, don't hold on so tight!" I managed to say, barely being able to breathe. "Sorry, baby." He replied, releasing his grip a tiny bit so I could breathe. "God, I love you so much." I muttered under my breath so he couldn't hear me. He did. "I love you too!" My boyfriend exclaimed, suddenly holding on extremely tight again.

"Babe.." "Sorry!" He kissed my cheek. I turned my head around and kissed him softly on the lips with him kissing back.

"Ahem," Milly said from the front seat. Zander and I let go of each other instantly and Hailey and Jake suddenly looking up. "Don't make out now," "we weren't!" Zander interrupted, going back to his usual cold voice. "We're almost there!" The red eyed girl continued, pretending my lover wasn't there.

I looked back at Zander. He was crossing his arms in a huff, he had turned his entire body in the other direction. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into another hug.

"I love you, Zander."


"I love you too."

392 words!
Ty for requesting!

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