📃 Milly's Letter 📃

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Ship: Sean x Milly
Requested by: EvryThing1802
Type: fluff with tiny bit of angst
Deaf Sean AU

TW: Family Problems

Sean's POV

Today is my birthday. Not that it's very exciting anyway, I lost my hearing when I was two. I can't remember how, but I remember a bottle, wait, my mother and a bottle.

I woke up and got myself dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. My mother moved out three years ago, so it was just my father and I. He doesn't like me though, he always saw me as a disappointment.

As I walked to school, I noticed people talking, holding hands. I was jealous. I never felt loved before, ever. I couldn't hear what they were saying, I wish I did, even for just a second.

Once I got to school, I didn't even bother checking my schedule, there was no point. I was going to skip anyway, the entire club were. Just for me. Just for my birthday.

As soon as I walked into the club room, I jumped. The lights were turned off. I rubbed my hand against the wall, trying to find the light switch... there it is! I flicked it on and everyone jumped out at me.

Milly said something to me which looked like she was saying 'happy birthday' to which I smiled. She took my hand and we sat down beside Luke's drums, everyone else cornering us. Milly gave me a little wrapped box. Everyone watched in anticipation as I unwrapped her present.

Inside was a little piece of folded paper, it was quite tiny, but fine to read. I unfolded it to see a letter that was written by Milly. I started reading it. By the first line I realised it was a love letter, from Milly herself. I could tell by her handwriting. I looked back at her and softly kissed her on the cheek.

'I love you too' I signed. Milly was still learning to sign for me and didn't understand what I meant, but she could tell I was happy so she was happy too. It was the best birthday I have ever had.

355 words!
Ty for requesting!!

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