🆚 Confronted 🆚

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Requested by: Moondragonice
(Includes OCs)

Lilac's POV

I waited for Luna by my locker. I wish she wouldn't take so long washing her hands!

I glanced around the corner to immediately turn back around. I saw the people that I didn't want to see now, or ever for that fact. Olivia, Lauren and Martha, my old friends.

Even though I turned back around, they still had seen me, and started charging towards me too. I started panicking, I didn't know what to do. "Hey!" Said the voice that rang in my ears for the past 5 years, I glanced back around. "Olivia.." I replied, practically speechless.

"Move it, freak!" Exclaimed Martha. I froze. Martha always talked to me about how she could dream about leaving the friend group, now, she had became one of them. "No." I said sternly. "Excuse me?!" Martha screamed, her voice slightly cracking. I sighed..

(A/N this is Martha and this is Lilac)

"I'm an angel," tell me what you mean by that?

I take it all and I will never give it back, I don't feel sorry every time you cry. Every time you start,I'm waiting for your tears to dry.

I don't really care, and I never will

That's the way I am, I am such a bitter pill

I don't really care, how much the silence kills, that's the way I am...

Lilac's POV

I bursted into tears. I thought Martha could change, but I guess not. Lauren pushed me to one side and the girls started walking, while I sobbed into my dress.

"Lilac?" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Milly and Sean! "O-oh, hi!" I said, trying to hide the fact I had just been crying, it didn't work.

"Were you crying?" Milly asked, her voice growing more concerned and stern. I sighed again and then ran to Milly to hug her. She hugged back, with Sean joining in too. "I-I'm sorry.." I said, slightly ashamed. I didn't want any of the music club worry about me and my problems.

"Sorry? Why are you sorry? We're your friends! We care for you!" Sean exclaimed. I smiled. It seems the pair made me feel better. "Thanks.." I said, wiping away my tears, I appreciate it." Me, Sean and Milly walked away.

Once we all got back to the music room, we all just started talking about the band competition and other things. When everyone got there, I went because I didn't want to disturb important practice time for them.

I closed the door quietly as I started to hear Milly tuning her guitar. I smiled. "Ahem.." a voice said behind me. I froze and turned around. I slightly relaxed as I saw Luna standing in front of me instead of one of my fake friends.

"You said you'd wait for me!" She shouted I, on the other hand, started laughing. "It's not funny! I was lost!" She pouted. "I'm sorry!" I joked.

Life couldn't be more perfect without my fake friends.

507 words!
Sorry for this taking a while!
Ty for the request!

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