⚡️ Thunder ⚡️

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Ship: Milly x Daisy
Type: fluff

Milly's POV

"Why do people eat cereal with milk?" I started annoying Zander with pointless questions while he was tuning his piano. I'm pretty sure he had enough because he slammed his hands down on the keys, making a terrible, jumbled up racket. "Ow!" I cried sarcastically. Zander looked at me, red faced. "You do that again, and I-"

"Umm hello!" Daisy said walking into the music club room. Me, Sean and Jake started blushing as soon as she did so. I hadn't told anyone about my crush on Daisy. Sean and Jake are already not talking to each other because of it, Sean's my best friend, so I don't want this damaging that.

"Oh, Milly! Come here!" She said, her light blue eyes twinkling like stars. "Oh.. ok!" I said, half excited, half nervous.

She took me to a archway at the entrance of the garden. It was absolutely beautiful, it was covered in roses and tulips. "What do you think?" "It's beautiful.." I replied.

Suddenly, Daisy and I heard a loud crash behind us. We turned around to see dark grey skies high up above us. I started to panic. Daisy grabbed my hand and we went inside, looking for the rest of the music club. Once we got there, we realised that they were all gone. Crap. Practise ended 5 minutes ago. I started to panic even more as me and Daisy sat beside Luke's drums.

The white haired girl switched on the lights and sat down next to me once again.

Daisy's POV

I sat next to Milly. I recently started to develop feelings for her. I doubt she likes girls, though, she likes Elliot. I sighed.

Nobody's POV

"Hey, what's wrong?" Milly calmly asked Daisy. The pair began to blush at each other. "Oh it's nothing."

Without thinking, Milly put her hand in Daisy shoulder, pulling them closer together. Both of the girls blushed, but the pink haired devil didn't let go of the head girl.

"Daisy I-" the stopped. Daisy had kissed her. Milly kissed her back, putting her arms around her neck. They both let go, smiling.

Suddenly, the door burst open. To Milly's relief, it was Luke who came in. "Umm." He said looking between the two girls. "I'll be leaving now, bye!" Daisy said, getting up and leaving the club room. She had said it so quickly, Luke and Milly didn't understand a word. They just looked at each other and laughed.

"She does like girls." Milly thought to herself as she and Luke continued to laugh.

432 words!
I'm obsessed with these crackhead ships I-

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