🩰 Dancers 🩰

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Ship: Sean x Daisy
Type: fluff

Daisy's POV

I waltzed the the music room to help Sean with cleaning that day, humming a tune that I just couldn't get out of my head, no matter how hard I tried.

Once I got there, I knocked on the door three times. Sean came and unlocked the door and let me inside. "Hey Daisy!" Sean said excitedly. "Hi!" I replied, Sean's comforting voice always calmed me down when I had rough days. The black eyed boy invited me inside to start cleaning.

Sean was mopping the floor as I wiped the windows. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He's so adorable! I eventually put my sponge down and went over to Sean. "You alright?" Sean chuckled, slightly blushing. "Yeah.. have you ever danced before?" I asked, fiddling with my hair. "N-no.." he replied. I grabbed his hand.

"Want me to teach you?"

Before long, Sean and I had completely forgotten about cleaning, and were waltzing in the music room. I'm surprised he had never actually danced before, he was very good at it. The black haired boy had his right hand intertwined with mine, and his left hand on my waist. Meanwhile, I had my left hand holding his and my right hand on his shoulder.

Sean pressed our foreheads together. A rose tint appeared on my cheeks as he did so. I let my hand go of his and put both of my hands on his shoulders, him putting both of his on my waist. I also began humming the same tune I had hummed on my way to the music club room.

"I love you.." I heard Sean whisper under his breath. I giggled. "What?" I said, Sean became a blushing mess. "I-" he started, but he quickly stopped when I pressed my lips against his.

The kiss lasted a few seconds. We broke apart after. A few moments were spent looking into each other's eyes until we brought our lips together again, lasting around the same amount of time our previous kiss did.

"I love you too, Sean."

352 words!

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