📓 Your Diary 📓

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Ship: Lia x Zoey
Requested by: aRandomKitCat
Type: fluff

Milly's POV

"Hey! Give that back!" I screamed, trying to get my diary back from Lia and Zoey. They didn't care, they just kept on bringing it out of my reach. Trying to get it back was hopeless. I walked away in defeat, keeping my head down low.

Lia's POV

Milly walked away, slumping her shoulders after Zoey and I took her diary. It was honestly hilarious! We could blackmail her in any way we wanted!

Me and Zoey walked down the hall, flicking through Milly's diary. We could tell it was about Elliot and the band competition, but it all looked like one big scribble. I'm surprised how Zoey could read it all... she's so smart- I MEAN! Dammit. Right..

I've had a crush on Zoey since year 8, but can you blame me? She's so adorable and smart! No wonder Drew loves her. I was always jealous of the guy until I found out she never actually loved him! I'm just lucky I guess!

As for my 'crush' on Jake, that was also a lie. I can't actually stand him! He's always so full of himself! I only said I liked him so that we would never get together, since he had always had a crush on Daisy, it was perfect! I'm just glad I didn't pretend to have a crush on Henry, that would have ended terribly.

"LIA!" I snapped out of my daydream. I turned around at Zoey and blushed, realising what I had just thought about. We had just made it to our lockers and she was putting away her chemistry textbooks. At the back of her locker, I saw a book which I had never seen before, she put Milly's diary on top of it. She took out her maths textbook and went to class, not realising she had left her locker open.

I knew I shouldn't look in whatever that book held, but my curiosity got the best of me. As I lifted out the book, I checked if Zoey was still there, she wasn't. Perfect. I looked at the cover of the black and white book and my mouth dropped. My Diary.

It could be someone else's diary that she stole, but it couldn't have been, that was her handwriting. I opened the book and flicked across the first few pages. They were mostly filled with hatred about someone or something. Milly, the music club, Milly, her oblivious father, Milly, exams and Milly were just a few of the topics that she seemed to like to vent about.

I eventually came across another page. Not one full of hatred or Zoey venting about something, but a page with lots of hearts and other beautiful things. I was confused. I looked down the page, my heart skipping with every line, it was about me! Not in a bad way, no, by that page alone made it very clear that she liked me. I was extremely excited!

Suddenly, I heard the bell ring. Oh no, I just missed my entire class reading Zoey's diary. I put it back in her locker, closed it and happily skipped away, thinking about the lime eyed girl.... little did I know, Zoey was watching me the entire time....

549 words
I really like this one!
Ty for the request!

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