🩺 Get Well Soon 🩺

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Ship: Lia x Zoey (small mention of Stacy x Drew)
Requested by: i_am_Lexx
Type: fluff

⚠️ TW: Hospital ⚠️

Nobody's POV

Zoey lay sleeping in her hospital bed. She had broken her leg after she had fallen off a rock she was climbing. The lime eyed girl had barely gotten any sleep for the past few days, so she was extremely tired.

Zoey suddenly woke up to the quiet sound of the door opening. She turned over, thinking it was Drew and pretending to sleep so she wouldn't have to deal with him, but to her surprise, it wasn't Drew. Instead, she heard the voice of one of her best friends; Lia.

"Hey," the brown haired girl girl said closing the door, Zoey quickly turning around, "how are you?" The blonde haired girl stretched and yawned, "I'm good, just a bit tired." Lia chuckled and sat next to her.

The brown eyed girl pulled out her purse and started searching through it. "What are you looking for?" Her best friend asked, she ignored the question. Lia pulled out a little envelope with the word 'Zoey' printed on it.

"A card?" She asked, Lia nodded. "You haven't gotten any cards from Drew or anyone else, have you?" The brown eyed girl asked, taking a sudden interest in pulling tiny threads out of her black sweater. "I've got a few from my family, none from Drew though, he's been hanging out with that Stacy girl for a while. Do you think he likes her?" Zoey said, getting quieter the more she talked. Lia sighed.

"Maybe." she said, seeing the hurt in Zoey's eyes. She suddenly took back the words she said. "W-well surely not! Stacy doesn't like him anyway!" Zoey looked back up at her friend and lightly clutched her hand, making the two girls blush in the process.

"Zoey?" Lia asked, the lime haired girl suddenly smiling. "Thanks," she said, sounding sweet for the first time, for at least Lia, in forever. "I really appreciate you doing this, y'know, when Drew hasn't." "Y-yeah, not a problem!" Lia stuttered, blushing and holding onto Zoey's hand tighter.

"You're a great person Lia, I love you." She said. As soon as those words came out, Zoey covered her face with her hands in shock. Lia gasped and took her hand away from Zoey's.

"Y-you love me?" The brown eyed girl said, looking for reassurance. Zoey sighed. "Yeah, ever since grade 7, I was only with Drew so that you wouldn't know." She said, rather quickly. Lia pressed her forehead against Zoey's and smiled. Zoey brought their faces closer and they shared a quick yet passionate kiss.

When they broke apart, the brown haired girl smiled and cupped the lime eyed girl's cheek. Zoey giggled and blushed. "Zoey," she started.

"I love you too."

468 words!
Ty for requesting!

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