🛋 Sleeping on the Couch 🛋

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Ship: Sean x Milly
Requested by: EvryThing1802
Type: angst/fluff

Milly's POV

"Wait! Elliot I'm sorry!" I screamed while Elliot forced a blanket and pillow in my hands. "I'm sorry Milly, but what you did is unforgivable, if you love Sean, then you move into his place." The coral haired boy said, loudly shutting the door.

"Elliot wait! I'm sorry! I know what I did was wrong, I shouldn't have kissed him, please just let me inside!" I cried, dropping my things and banging on the door. After that didn't work, I tried to open the door, it was locked. I eventually sat outside the door in defeat. I began to sulk into my hands.

"Hey.." I faintly heard from above me. I looked up, my red puffy eyes meeting with dark glistening ones. The ones that belonged to Sean.

"H-hey.." I said getting up and rubbing my eyes. Sean put his shoulder around me, "Daisy knows we kissed. What about Elliot?" "Well why do you think I'm outside crying?!" I cried defensively, covering my face. "Look, I'm sorry, it's just I'm stressed right now, I have nowhere to sleep. I'm going to have to live on the streets, won't I?" I said, more panic in my voice by the second.

"It's alright, you can come and live at my place. We'll have to sleep on the couch though, Daisy doesn't let me sleep in the bed now." "Ok, thank you Sean!" I cried, running to hug him, with him returning the hug.

Once we got to his house, he opened the door for me, I blushed and walked inside. "Daisy's at work right now, but we can sleep so she doesn't get mad at me." He said, looking around the room, I kissed his cheek and blushed. He also blushed.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way," Sean said, cupping my cheek, "we shouldn't have done it, we screwed up." "I know.." I said, looking down in shame. "Well, I guess I'll put my things here." I said, walking over to his sofa and putting my blanket and pillow on it.

Sean ran up to me and carried me bridal style. It was very high up and honestly quite scary. "Hey! Put me down!" I said, Sean laughing. He put me down and we cuddled in the sofa. I know what we did was wrong, and I regret it very much, but I promise I won't hurt Sean like I hurt Elliot.

My poor Elliot...

418 words!
I- umm it's alright 😐😐
Ty for the request!

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