🌥 The Sun Behind the Clouds 🌥

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Ship: Drake
Requested by: cloudless_cacti
Type: Angst/Fluff
Part 2 of Package!

Nobody's POV

Outside the school gates

Jake stumbled to the school gates, tiredly rubbing his right eye. His emotionless frown signalled everyone around him that he didn't get much sleep the night before, and they were right.

The brown eyed boy stayed up the entire night thinking about that Saturday he spent with Drew and when he woke up that Sunday morning, feeling a warm hoodie draped around his arms,

A hoodie which belonged to Drew.

Jake blushed just thinking about the magenta haired boy's kind gesture. Drew's generosity to Jake endeared him to the peach haired boy.

Speaking of Drew, Jake could see his simple silhouette in the distance, probably shouting at Henry and Liam. Chuckling slightly, Jake jogged towards the three.


The quartet sat by their lunch table minding their own business. Jake, however, kept his gaze on a certain magenta haired boy, much to the annoyance of Drew's girlfriend, Zoey.

Jake and Zoey's relationship could be described in one word. Jealousy. In fact, both of the pair never considered them even having a friendship.

"Jake?" Drew asked, concerned. "O-oh, yeah?" Jake stuttered, his cheeks growing pinker by the second. "You alright? You're.. quiet." Drew questioned. Jake nodded suspiciously. "Yeah, and you're staring at Drew too!" Henry laughed, the two brown eyed boys blushed tremendously while Liam also began to laugh at the pair.

"N-no I wasn't!" Jake stammered. His eyes then filled with anger as a lime eyed girl sat beside Drew, clinging onto his arm.


"Hey Drewy-bear~" she said in a rather clingy way. Jake cringed. "H-hey babe!" Drew lightly kissed Zoey's cheek.

Jake could feel his heart shatter into a million tiny pieces.

"Why do I feel like this?" He asked himself. "I don't like Drew,

Or do I?"

History class

Ms. Jones stood in front of her class, timidly trying to calm them. "Settle down please!" She hesitantly shouted at them. Much to her surprise, everyone stopped and payed attention to her.

"Oh, thank you class!" She looked over to see Sadie standing slightly in front of her. "Oh, well, thank you Sadie." Ms. Jones said, slightly disappointed. However, while that was going on, Drew wasn't listening to a single word. What he was doing was staring at Jake.

"I wonder what he was thinking about. What if it's Daisy?" He thought, slightly scared. He once again remembered the night he spent cradled in Jake's arms.

"Drewy?" Zoey had gotten the magenta haired boy's attention. "Oh yeah?" He asked, shaking slightly. "I noticed you're staring at Jake a lot, what's up with that?" She snarled. "O-oh, nothing! I'll tell you after class." Zoey raised an eyebrow.

"Hm, alright then." Drew let out a shaky breath as she said that.

After class

Once the loud school bell had rung, the lime eyed teen nearly sprinted out the door. She waited for all the other students, including Jake, to leave, before questioning her boyfriend.

"So," she started, "why were you staring at Jake?" The brown eyed boy stopped after hearing his name. "I.." Drew stammered. There was an eerie silence. "So?" She scoffed.

Drew didn't even know why he was staring at Jake.

Then it clicked.

Blushing at them cuddling, staring at him, draping his hoodie over him and thinking it was cute. He loved him.

"I.." Drew stuttered again. Zoey tapped her foot on the ground impatiently. "Drew-"

"I love him, goddammit!" He yelled, Jake's heart stopped. So did Zoey's, for a completely different reason.

"You're.... gay?" She hesitantly whispered after another painful silence. "Yeah," he replied, "I'm sorry for breaking your heart." Zoey's eyes slightly glistened with sadness, but she didn't want Drew to see that side of her.

"Oh.. well, I support you!" She put on a fake smile. Even though she was happy for him, she still felt disappointed.

"Wow," Drew smiled, "thank you so much Zoey! It means a lot to me!" "Yeah..." Zoey's eyes filled with small tears. "You alright?" Drew asked her. "Yeah I'm fine!" She replied, "well, I need to go now, bye Drew." She walked away, feeling a slight pain in her heart when she saw Jake. Instead of shouting at him, like she normally did, she patted his shoulder and whispered,

"Good luck."

Jake smiled and looked back at Drew, who quietly sighed. The peach haired boy ran up to him and hugged him from behind. Drew jumped slightly but then hugged him back.

"I love you too." He told Drew. His eyes went wide.

"You do?!" He asked, excited for his answer. "Yeah," Jake chuckled, "I do." Drew blushed. "Jake I-" Drew was interrupted

By Jake kissing him.

The kiss didn't last long, but despite that, it was the best moment of their lives. Jake put his right hand on Drew's cheek as the magenta haired boy put both of his hands on Jake's chest. Time seemed to stop while it was happening. They then let go of each other.

Drew was happy because he had finally won his heart.

His sun behind the clouds...

859 words!
Ty for requesting!

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