🕊 Heavenly 🕊

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Ship: one sided Stuke
Type: angst and a bit of fluff

Nobody's POV

Stacy, a heavenly girl, with a heavenly smile and a heavenly heart. She's a role model to everyone around her. Nothing bad has ever happened in her life.

"Stacy, are you okay?" Luke asked, his gorgeous golden eyes blinking down at her. Stacy flushed bright red.

"Oh, I'm sorry for being such a bother! Uhm, do you mind carrying these to the English classroom?" The periwinkle eyed girl proposed. Luke chuckled softly. "Of course!"

The auburn haired boy stood up and reached his hand out, which Stacy took almost instantly.

"Hey, guys!" Luke turned to his band mates. Stacy glanced at Luke's best friend, Zander. He stared daggers at her before the pair left, carrying five books each.

Jake and his 'friends' walked by the duo, and the brown eyed male couldn't keep his eyes off of them. Stacy thought he ought to be jealous. Perhaps he was crushing on her, but Stacy just brushed off the feeling.

"What's your next class?" The yellow eyed boy asked. Stacy snapped out of her thoughts. "O-oh, it's tech." She smiled. Luke smiled with her. "Really?! Mine too! We can sit together!" His excited face made butterflies swirl around in Stacy's stomach.

A group of girls then passed them. One of them sweetly smiled at Stacy's auburn haired crush and giggled at him. "U-uhm, hello?" He awkwardly laughed. The blond girl winked at him. "Leave him alone." Stacy snapped.

"Of course! Stacy Wilson, the 'heavenly' girl of the school!" She cackled. "H-hey, leave them alone." Her friend mumbled. The blond haired girl made a 'tch' sound with her tongue and walked off with her friends.

Luke grinned at Stacy.

"Thanks." He said. "I really appreciate it!" The blueberry haired girl turned away, blushing. "Oh, yeah. Not a problem!" She exclaimed. They kept on walking to the classroom.

Once they made it, Stacy set her half of the books on the teacher's desk as Luke set his on the ground.

"Well, I better get going." He was just halfway out the door when Stacy stopped him. "Wait!" She shouted. Luke turned around. "Yeah?" He asked.

"I..." Stacy started before leaning up

And kissing him.

The kiss lasted around 10 seconds, Luke neither pushing her or accepting the kiss. When Stacy pulled away, she stared up into Luke's shining gold eyes.

"Luke, the truth is, I've liked you for a really long time now. I don't know if you've ever seen me that way, but I think you can come to like me!"

Luke looked at the periwinkle eyed girl before looking backwards.

"Wait, Zander!"

Luke started to run towards the purple haired boy, but Stacy desperately stopped him.

"Luke! I haven't heard your reply!" She shouted. Luke turned back to her, sympathy lurking in his eyes.

"Stacy," he started

"I'm sorry."

He quickly ran other his childhood best friend, leaving Stacy to sulk on her own.

Stacy, a disappointed girl, with a sad frown

And a broken heart.

510 words!

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