Short oneshots to get me back into the swing of writing ^^

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💖 Pink Haired Angel 💖

Milliot Fluff

To Elliot, there is nothing that is more calming than the garden, especially during spring. The flowers, the sun, the animals, he adored it all. But, not as much as a certain someone...

"You're telling me these little seeds are going to grow into full tomatoes in 2 weeks? How is that possible?" Milly cried, astonished. The brown-eyed boy giggled, continuing to weave dandelions together.

"Well, basically-"

"Actually, never mind. I probably wouldn't understand anyway." The pink-haired girl frowned.

"What? No! Don't downplay yourself," Elliot said, his eyes not leaving his creation, "you're really smart, Milly." Milly blushed at the compliment.

"You!" She shouted, holding back a small smile.

Suddenly, she caught sight of Elliot's project.

"What's that you're making?" Milly asked. The boy's heart skipped a beat, not expecting the question.

"Ah... well..." He stuttered, trying to think of words to say. "I was making this for you, Milly. I'm nearly finished." Milly turned even pinker.

"For... me?" She questioned as Elliot weaved the last flower, making a little flower crown with all the little dandelions.

"Of course. Here, try it on!" He exclaimed, gently placing it on Milly's head. An embarrassed grin began to show on the girl's red face.

"O-oh," she spluttered, adjusting it slightly, "it's lovely. Thanks for this, Elliot." It was the boy's turn to turn red.

"Yeah... no problem my angel."



🍦 Bottom of the Tub 🍦

Jaisy Angst

Normally, at 1 am, Jake would be in his bedroom, either fast asleep or finishing off some homework that he 'forgot' to do for the next school day. Nothing else. Well, apart from this night in particular, of course. None of those other activities involved the peach-haired boy crying at the foot of his bed while eating a large tub of chocolate ice-cream.

But they also didn't involve Jake getting rejected by Daisy, AKA the person who convinced him to join the music club in the first place!

"Ugh," Jake grunted through sad sniffles and hiccups, "the world must really hate me, huh?"

It was not exaggeration on Jake's part, from his group of popular friends leaving him to Daisy's rejection, it really did seem like the universe wasn't on his side.

Daisy... Boy did he miss her.

And boy did he still love her.

"Y'know," he began again, "maybe this is all some bad dream and if I pinch myself, I won't feel a thing."

So, staying hopeful, Jake lightly pinched the skin on his arm.

And boy, did it hurt.


Sorry for making it seem like I've abandoned this account. I'll (try) to update more often.

Also, apologies for this not being a request or chapter, this is one of the first times I've written in a while so I wanted to do a couple short oneshots to get me back in the swing of things! ^^ cya guys!

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