🛡 Protection 🛡

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Requested by: Moondragonice
Type: angst
(Includes OCs)

Nobody's POV

The aqua haired girl walked through the jam-packed hallway. She was on her way to meet Jake at the music room.

She eventually came to a corner in the hallway, it was way quieter. She soon became very calm walking through the hall. Her calming feelings soon stopped, however. She glared in horror to see three girls towering over Jake.

One of them wore black overalls with a pink T-shirt. Another wore a white dress and the third one, who looked to be the tallest, wore a grey woolly jumper and white ripped jeans. She instantly remembered these girls as her old friends, who she had dumped after she realised how toxic they were.

"Hey!" She shouted, Jake and the girls looked over at her, Jake with a more happy expression on his face. "What are you doing to him?!" She continued, the girls faces turned white as she did so.

"Come on girls, we should really get going." The tallest one said, grabbing the others girl's hands and walking away.

Lilac quickly ran to Jake and pulled him up, of the ground. "Thanks," He said quickly, "I appreciate it." Lilac smiled at him.

Suddenly, the bell rang, it was time to go to class! The two students had a chemistry test that day, which was taking place at the other side of the school.

"Race?" Jake suggested. "Race." Lilac responded as Jake started running to the end of the hall. "Hey!" She dramatically cried while Jake stood laughing. "Beat you there!"

"Oh, just you wait!"

267 words!
Ty for the request!

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