⛓ Visitation ⛓

828 6 3

Ship: Drew x Hailey


Requested by: ellie22223


Type: Angst


TW: Mentions of death/murder & Prison




Drew sat in a dim visitation room, a stern police officer behind him being his only company. A mild stench of cheap men's deodorant filled the air as the magenta-haired boy picked at his fingernails, nervously.

A couple months prior, the trial for Luke Peterson's murder was held in a state court nearby the police station Drew was inside at that moment. As you can probably imagine, the trial didn't exactly go in the brown-eyed boy's favour, as by the end of it, Drew was proven to be the ginger-haired boy's killer.

So here he was, still in this dark room, waiting for his visitor to arrive.

"She's gonna be late, isn't she?" Drew sighed, glancing at the modern clock on the wall, which indicated that the time was 10 minutes past 12. The pink-haired boy's visitor was already 10 minutes late to their meeting.

"I don't blame her," The officer groaned loudly, "I mean, if I found out my loved one was a murderer, I wouldn't be able to look them in the eye anymore." These words only made Drew feel worse.

"Look," The man continued, "I know she's your girlfriend and you love her to bits, it's just... don't be surprised if she ends it with you after this, especially since it's her step-brothers boyfriend you killed."

"Yeah... I know." Drew moaned.

Suddenly, there was a booming knock at the metal double doors and in came another officer, along with Drew's visitor.

"Hailey..." The dark-eyed man said as the second officer dropped her off and silently left the room. Drew softly smiled at the sight of his beloved girlfriend, which she, unsurprisingly, didn't reciprocate.

"I... suppose you're not happy to see me, huh?" Drew nervously chuckled. Hailey quietly grunted.

"Are you serious? I find out your a murderer and *that's* the first thing you say? Really?" The teal-haired girl shouted, salty tears and mascara running down her pale cheeks.

"Listen I-"

"Have a seat please." The remaining guard said, pointing at a grey chair opposite Drew.

"F-fine." The girl mumbled, slowly sitting down but still keeping eye contact with her boyfriend.

"We're... we're over drew. I'm sorry but I can't... someone like you."

Nevermind. Ex-boyfriend.

"W-what?! You- you can't be serious! You're joking right?! Right?!" The magenta-haired boy snapped, growing louder and louder by each word.

"No, unfortunately. I'm not. Sorry."

Suddenly, Drew bursted into floods of tears, furiously banging on the wooden desk that he and Hailey were seated at, screaming.

"No! No! No! No! No! Please! I'm sorry! I regret it! Please Hailey!"

Feeling helpless, Hailey sat there, looking at the weeping man. She couldn't help but shed a few tears herself.

"Perhaps.. we should cut this meeting short. We don't seem to be going anywhere." The officer interrupted, awkwardly. Hailey faked a smile and stood up quickly.

"Goodbye Drew." She whispered. Drew stayed unresponsive, continuing to cry onto the wooden desk.

"I'll miss you."


Not me not uploading for a month straight 💀

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this! Remember to leave me any requests and I'll try to do them as quickly as possible! ^^

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