-Author's Note-

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Let's rewind a bit ;)

...Now Presenting...
The Actual Final Chapter of Cooked

"That stupid girl is dead meat!" Rosa's father growled as he walked through the large venue with a gun in hand. He had just escaped from the ropes he was tied up with, and was now fuming.

However, before he was able to reach the grand hall where the ceremony was being held, someone quickly snatch the gun from his hand. "You stupid piece of human crap." The boy told him off as he held his weapon away from him. "You are a waste of soul" The boy fumed before taking the butt of the gun and whacking the man against the head.

"You have no right to talk about my friend that way!" He yelled at the unconscious body, before turning on his heel and saying "I hope you rot in hell!"

The boy left the body there and walked towards the others as they tried to see what was happening. "Mark just walked in!" Doyoung replied with a glowing smile. However, before the boy could take a peak Taeil spoke up "Jungwoo, why do you have a gun??"

"Don't worry about it UwU" He reassured them before turning towards the scene in front of them.

The officiant sadly looked at the girl as he figured no one was coming in "I'm so sorry-" however, he was cut off by the ringer of her cell phone.

She couldn't possibly know who was calling her at such an hour, however, she dug in her pocket and saw just who was calling her. A familiar watermelon emoji displayed on her screen and she couldn't help but smile.

She didn't know why, however, she was compelled, entranced, and she answered the phone. "Mark?" She asked. Her voice a whisper and he couldn't help but smile.

"Look at the doors." He told her and in that instance her eyes connected with a familiar gaze.

It was familiar.

It was welcoming.

It was warm.


She wanted to yell out, yet, the way the air left her lunges diminished her voice to a whisper. Mark looked at the beautiful girl with tearful eyes. She looked stunning, like a artists perfect masterpiece, or a red rose in bloom.

She thought she would never see him again, look into those beautiful eyes, or hear his voice. However, there he stood with a glassy gaze ready to lay it all out on the line. His steps were fast as he made towards her. Emotions washed over her, yet, the smile that he loved never left her lips.

"What are you doing here?" She asked with bewilderment and confusion. Rosa was left in so much shock that she didn't end the call nor lowered the device from her ear. "You're supposed to be back home... on the other side of the earth... finding your happy ending. Why are you here? I told you to go and find it! It's out there! So why are you here??" She didn't know if she was happy or sad, however, her own words was the thing that triggered her glistening tears.

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