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A/n: So just a heads up, the last chapter of this story will be -75-

Ten fumbled with the Bobby pin as he rushed to get to his sister "Stupid girl sleeping like a damn rock" He muttered before hearing the click of the open hotel door room.

His actions were swift, as he quickly walked into The dark room. He made a beeline for the large bed in the middle of the room and spotted Rosa's figure sleeping in a fetal position. He clipped his tongue when he realized he was wearing the dress that he had picked out the night before, however, started to shake her awake. " Rosa, wake up..." he replied as and soon enough her sleepy eyes started to open.

"Cheeto?" She spoken a rather confused tone. " what are you doing here? It's..." she trailed off as she looked towards the alarm clock on the nightstand. Her eyes widened "4:00am?! What the fuck are you doing waking me up right now!" She angrily replied as she sat up to look at him.

One thing that should be noted, is that both siblings grew rather grumpy in the morning hours. Both of them hated waking up early, however, were very moody when they did.

"Calm down bridzila-"

"The fuck did you just call me??"

He sighed while running a hand through his hair "Look, I'm getting you and the rest of us out of here."

"What??" She asked rather confused.

"It was my fault that you decided to come back, and now all of ThIs is happening" he replied making large hand motions "So I'm making it right, ok? God you are dumb."

"I get it from you asshat." She retaliated. "Anyways, can't we "bust out" at another time? Like not the ass crack of dawn??"

" I thought of that, but then my mom told me that your psycho father has had guards following us around this entire time!" He told her and she faced palmed.

"Why am I not fucking surprised..."

She sighed once more and gently grabbed her hand "Yeah, so we have to go before the catch us!" He replied pulling her.

However, she pulled back. " what about the others? What about your mom?" She didn't want her problems to backlash onto the people she cared about.

"The others are waiting downstairs" He told her while walking over to her unpacked suit case and grabbing it. "As for my mom, she has finally decided to divorce that fucking monster."

This made Rosas's eyes widen. "... seriously?" He nodded before grabbing her hand once more, "Yes, now come on we have to go." This Time, the girl followed.

They swiftly made it to the elevator, and roaring thoughts starting to swirl and Rosas head. She wondered where her place would be.

The two got out of the elevator and practically ran out the lobby.

Ten and Rosa were not related blood. Their parents marriage was the only thing keeping them linked.

They walked outside into the frigid night. The girl started to shiver as she reflexively held herself to keep in some of the warmth.

Would she loose the only family she had left?

They walk towards a large white van. As the two of them near death, the girl could hear the start of the engine roar as bright headlights flickered from the front.

Ten ushered her towards the vehicle, and open the large sliding door. "Get un and take a seat." She could see all of them inside with a mix of sleepy, annoyed, and concerned looks. Rosa quickly went in and her brother close the door behind her.

Her eyes landed on a specific someone and she made her way down the aisle. "Why are you still wearing that?" Mark asked looking at her shivering frame. "I just fell asleep with it on." She replied taking the empty seat next to him.

She saw him pull out a backpack from underneath his seat. He opened it and handed her one of his hoodies. "Here, put it on. You look like you are going to turn into an icicle." The girl thing to him and quickly put it on. She immediately started to gain back some of the warmth.

At this time, Rosa had noticed that Ten had circled around into the passenger seat. She saw Johnny was driving and that everyone else was scattered throughout the bus. "Where are we going??" Rosa whispered to her seat bubby.

"According to Ten, we are driving to New York to meet up with his mom and go back home." Rosa's face turned into shock. " why are we going all the way over there??"

Mark looked at her shocked expression and placed a hand on the top of her head to hopeful my calm her down. "Hey, it's alright. According to Ten, there are a few men snooping out the Chicago airport so that we don't try something. This way we will slip away right under their noses." He told her in a soft voice.

She leaned into his touch and wrapped her arms around his torso. "I'm sorry I'm putting you through this." She replied, however, he simply hugged her back. "You are not putting us through anything. None of us want to see you married off to some rando. So don't put this all on yourself."

"ExActly and plus, that guy was super sus." Lucas said popping up from the row behind them almost scaring the girl half to death. However, after the initial shock, she started to laugh.

"How are you so energetic it's 4:00am!" she replied to her best friend spunky nature. In return, Lucas held up a cup and his left hand. "Jaemin made me one of his special coffee's" he replied.

"You aren't going to sleep for week." Mark said making them laugh. Lucas waved it off "it's fine, we have a fun road trip ahead and I don't want to miss a second of it!" He told them with a bright smile.

" That's definitely a nice silver lining." The girl replied as her mood started to perk up. Who knew, maybe everything would actually go smoothly? Only time could tell.

just then, they heard Johnny from the front of the bus "Everyone buckle in. Next stop is New York!" And just like that, they were off.

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