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Rosa carefully stepped out of the cab with her pizza box in hand. Her gaze traveled upward as her neck cranked back to follow the full height of the modern building.

"So this is where the dorm is?" Rosa asked Mark, and when she didn't get answer she looked to normal height to see that he was currently walking away.

"Hey! Wait up!" She yelled after him as she started running towards him. He gave her a questioning look before returning to look at his phone. "It's not my fault that you are slow" He replied without even looking at her.

That was the first thing he had said to her the entire time. He didn't even say hi to her, he just nodded when she walked up next to him at Popped.

A sigh escaped her lips as she walked through the lobby and followed Mark who was now in the elevator. "What the-" She blurted as it was almost like he teleported from right next to her into the metal contraption. However, there was no time to question it as she quickened her pace get in before the doors closed on her.

She eyed him for a quick second before walking  to the other side of the elevator. "Did I do anything to you?" She ask calmly as she looked at the ground.


"Did I do something to genuinely offended you, or insult you? Because if I did, I'm sorry. Just tell what I did and I won't do it again." She replied eyeing her black leather combat boots.

"You didn't do anything." He replied. She looked back up to face him however, he was still scrolling through his phone.

"Then are you like this with everyone else?"

He finally looked up from his device, and with a scoff told her "Of course not."

"Then why are you like this with me?" She asked in confusion and frustration as her eyebrows knitted together.

"It's because I don't like you."

His belittling gaze was on her as a smirk laced up the edge of his mouth. Her eyes quickly shot downward and her head dropped accordingly seemingly, suddenly, fixated on her shoes.

The rest of the elevator ride was silent and seconds turned to hours in the tense atmosphere. However, the doors eventually did open and the two started walking down a corridor.

She could see a singular black door at the end of the hallway and as they approached it, the girl bit her lip in worry.

She wanted to get along with him.

She needed to get along with him.

She finally wasn't alone. She had her brother back in her life again however, NCT was his life now. She was worried that if she couldn't get along with the group, that he could have to side with his them.

Would have to side with them. After all, he was under contract, had fans to worry about, and it was his whole career at the moment.

The logical choice was obvious.

When they reached the door took a deep breath and spoke. "I want us to be able to get along."

He unlocked the door and turned back to reply one last time before walking into the dorm and leaving her speechless in the hallway.

"If you're so starved for attention you should talk to one of the others or get a boyfriend, because you aren't getting any from me."

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