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"You know you could have gone home with them. This isn't the first time this has happened." Rosa replied as she looked at Mark. The boy was helping her patch up the hole she had punched in the wall during their game night. Everyone else had already left for the dorm.

"So this happened before?" He asked dismissing the first part of her message and instead focused on the second.

"Did you even hear that first part?" She questioned in disbelief as she crouched down beside him to help.

He softly chuckled before turning back to the punctured wall. "I did but... I don't know. I guess I just wanted to help you out." He spoke will maintaining his concentration on the task at hand.

He could barley see it from his peripheral vision however, the sweet smile she wore sent a surge of electricity through his body. "Thank you." She replied in a soft whisper before a small laugh broke out from her. "And yes this used to happen all the time. That's why Ten and Johnny were so scared about Uno in the first place."

"That sounds about right." Mark replied with a chuckle of his own. At the moment, he was smoothing out a cream colored paste that would patch up the hole. The boy seemed to get lost in the repetitive task. His thoughts seemed to drift off to another place as a comfortable silence enveloped the two.

Rosa looked at the gorgeous boy as he kindly helped her with something so trivial. "He should be resting" She thought to herself as her gaze traveled to the eye bags hidden under his round glasses. She wanted to tell him that because, then maybe he would go home. However, when her sights were set on the tranquil smile he held, the words seemed to become stuck in her throat.

He looked comfortable. Wearing sweats, a hoodie, and sneakers while still looking good. It seemed to be Mark's hidden talent. Not to mention the non-hidden ones. He was an successful rapper, composer, and idol. Mark was good looking, accomplished, and even though hard to see at first (in her case), kind.

God had his favorites, after all .

Mark, on the other hand, thought about the time something like this happened at the dorms.

Haechan ran into his room saying that a hole "suddenly appeared" on the farthest wall of his room. It was about the same time at night as now. Although, he told the younger how to fix it, he refused to help with the actual task.

How is this any different?

Justifications ran through his head like the flow of words during a conversation.

"He had to learn his lesson."

"That day I was exhausted."

"It's Donghyuk."

But as the justifications seemed to become weaker and weaker the thoughts in his head only started to rev up more.

Mark thought about how he treated Rosa when she had first arrived. He thought she was a spoiled brat coming for attention and second hand fame, curtesy of her brother, but when her truths started to unravel it was like she was the complete opposite.

She was hard working, funny, smart, and independent. She wasn't vying for an easy five seconds of fame. Instead she wanted to spend time and make memories with the people that are important to her and the ones important to them. She accepted the other members with warm and open arms even without knowing them for along time. Even when, in her eyes, they made her second in her brother's world. Nevertheless, her actions all lead to her goal. The same one she mentioned the day they finally become friends.

She didn't want to be alone.

Mark felt like he wanted to to bang his head against the wall for his stupid actions. However, instead he looked down at his hands. Rosa gazed at him, awe struck and conflicted. She felt blood rush to her head with each passing second.

When a strand of his hair fell from it's styled place, to the middle of his forehead, it couldn't be helped.

Her body moved on its own, he felt her warm hand gently brush it back, and there they were, gazing at each other.

It struck them like a lightning bolt.

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