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The boys were walking to the terminal. The atmosphere was cold, dead, and quiet. The had passed TSA yet no one dared to speak. No one wanted to believe what they had witnessed

Lucas was walking next to Mark. Mark had stopped crying however, was left with red and puffy eyes. The boy in question felt like there was a black hole growing in his heart. It kept wanting more and growing larger, demanding more attention.

Ten was at the front of the line with his arms looped Johnny's. He refused to cry, he was so angry at his sister. What the hell was she thinking? Did she really think that just because their parents were divorced, their relationship as siblings would cease to exist.

"Ten" Johnny replied tapping his shoulder. Ten delayed for a bit, lost in thought, however, he eventually looked at him. Johnny simply pointed at his mother waiting at the gate. They all started walking towards her.

"Winwin who are you texting?" Yuta asked looking over his shoulder. However Winwin didn't spare him a second glance before muttering "James".



"I swear when we back home the katana is being put to use."

"He isn't there anymore." Winwin told his annoyed friend who seemed to be flying into a fit of rage. "He is visiting his other friends here. I was actually going to see them again but we had to leave so abruptly, I never got the chance." At his words Yuta seemed to mellow out a bit.

"Son!" Ten's mother exclaimed with wide arms. "...hey mom." He replied slowly walking towards her to give her a hug. At this his mother frowned.

"Why is this a sad hug? Why are you sad hugging me Chittaphon?" The older woman replied as she looked amongst the sea of NCT members searching for her daughter. "Where is Rosa?" At the girl's name Ten tightened his embrace.

"She..." Johnny replied with a saddened face. "She left with her father. Rosa decided to go through with the marriage." He told her and the woman clicked her tongue.  "Sometimes that girl is just as stupid as my demon ex." Although a slight annoyance bubbled up in the woman, it had the opposite affect on Ten. Soft sobs could be heard from the crook of her neck. "She thought.... I would... forget her." He chocked out.

"Then don't." The woman replied as she moved to Ten and held his a arms length of her. "Do you really believe, Rosa, our Rosa, actually mean the words she said ??" She asked raising her voice a little so that the rest of them could hear her words. "This girl is being pushed and pulled between the good and bad like a rag doll. She is probably confused and scared and doesn't want to stay where she belongs because she was taught that she doesn't belong anywhere. Do you really think that's what she thinks? OF COURSE NOT! But you guys know the truth! She belongs with you! I see the way she smiles and laughs around you all and it the real deal... Don't give up on her!"

Ten eyes widened at his mother's words. He couldn't believe he had been that stupid as to just let her go. However in that moment, it was as though his words left him. It was only when someone stepped in front of him that he really snapped out of it.

"Ten!" Mark said as he looked at friend. The skin around his eyes were red and Ten noticed the way Mark's hands slightly shook at his sides. The boy was a mess. "Please, you can't let Rosa get married!"

Lucas' eyes widened from his spot. Though the cold tone still loomed over them a small crack of a smile broke onto his face.

It was finally happening.

Ten didn't say anything, he simply looked to Mark for an explanation and it was soon provided.


The terminal was dead quiet after Mark's outburst. People were staring but the boy didn't care, he had finally said what he had be wanting to say. Everyone was simply starting at him. A pin drop could be heard, that is until-

"HELL YEAH! I WAS RIGHT! MY GOD TIER INTUITION IS NEVER WRONG!" Kun yelled from his spot with the widest smile he had ever mustered. XiaoJun and Doyoung, who were next to him, almost busted both their lunges.

Ten's eyes widened at the revelation of the sinking words. Yuta catching this taped Winwin again "You said your annoying paramedic friend is here right? You might want to call him, Ten looks like he is going to vomit out his heart."

Winwin scrunched his nose at his words. "One, James isn't annoy and two, gross." However he still pulled out his phone and opened it to his friend's contact.

However, to everyone's surprise Ten smiled and hugged Mark. The boy had not idea what was happening and looked at the others for help, but at the older's words hugged him back. "I see the way she looks at you. You will make her really happy one day. I'm sure of it" They broke the hug and Ten looked around at the rest.

"This might be asking for a lot but will you help us get Rosa back?" Ten asked with genuine sincerity.

"OH MY GOD YOU DUMBASS OF COURSE WE WILL" Doyoung replied with a face palm.

"SHE IS OUR FRIEND TOO YOU KNOW!" Jungwoo replied. It was the first time any of them heard him actually yelled

"NEVER LEAVE THE HOMIES HANGING!" Lucas boomed as a matter of fact and

"PLUS, LOOK AT MARK! HES A MESS" Haechan replied pointing towards Mark's remarkably disheveled state.

"Stop being mean Haechan." Taeyong replied trying to quiet them down, before turning to Ten. "But yeah, if Mark goes back looking like that I'm going to have my ass handed to me." He said with a sigh before arms encircled his waist from behind. "And I'm the only one allowed to do that." Jaehyun replied as he rested his chin on Taeyong's shoulder.

After the sounds of fake vomiting died down, Ten look at them and asked "So what now?"

His mother faced palmed before muttering how she thought she raised a smarter child than that . "Do I have to spell in out for you!" She exclaimed as there was a moment a silence form the lack of response. "GO TO HER!"

With that, the boys were on their marry and slightly confused way onto save the girl that had grown to mean so much to them in these past months. They were determined. They were going to save her.

They were going to save Rosa.

The only question was how...

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