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A/n: I feel as though NCT has been trying to give me a heart attack in these last few days. First, NCT 2020. Can you guys imagine the pure chaos that will ensue with all 23 of them! NoW ThERe iS 23 OF TheM OmG. I literally found out because someone commented on this story at 4 am. AND I found out that I have the same birthday as Shotaro (I realize that's like the smallest thing but I feel so blessed about it lol). I honestly can't wait to see more of Shotaro and Sungchan and don't worry, they will be added to Cooked within the next couple of chapters (I usually plan the plot ahead so they should be added to the chat around the same time Resonance drops). Finally, I'M SO SO HAPPY THAT WAYV IS OFFICIALLY PART OF NCT!! Now I can officially say that they are my favorite subunit of NCT :)

Anyways, sorry for the long author's note. I'm just really excited!!

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Ten🦋: OuCh

Doyoung🐰: Pffffft I can't believe he actually went through with it

Taeyong😴: I told you NOT to leave the tissues on the floor

Ten🦋: You sprayed Febreeze in my face and IT GOT IN MY EYE

Jaehyun🥛: Bro your bf is wild

Johnny💚: Bro at least mine doesn't have a Febreeze kink

Jaehyun🥛: Oh no bro

Johnny💚: good luck with that bro


Taeyong😴: Moving on to the next confession

Taeyong😴: One time I had a dream where everyone's heights were switch. For example Johnny and Lucas were the shortest members and Ten and XiaoJun were the tallest. It was honestly terrifying (Johnny)



Johnny💚: Well it obviously can't be you, me, Lucas, or XiaoJun because our names were used instead of I

Ten🦋: Right, right that makes sense

Lucas📣: Could you imagen what it would be like with a short Lucas and a tall XiaoJun???

Kun♠️: maybe a little less hectic?

XiaoJun🐯: I would 1000% try to step on all of you

Ten🦋: mood

Taeyong😴: I'm still salty that I wasn't casted as Prince Eric for the live action Disney movie (Hendery)

Hendery🐚: And I still fucking am

Rosa🌹: You would have been *chefs kiss*

Yangyang🌏: Fr

Hendery🐚: IKR

Taeyong😴: Before I joined NCT I had to find a way to pay for uni, I tried part time jobs but it wasn't enough. So I became a dealer for the gang of mobsters and made tons of cash. They were pretty nice people btw (Jungwoo)

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