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...Now presenting...
The Final Chapter of Cooked

Today was the day. Nothing would be the same after this day, yet everything seemed oddly calm. It wasn't that the girl was happy about this little arrangement, however, instead, she was too numb to feel anything at all. Rosa eyed herself in the full length mirror as she adjusted the expensive white garment.



Ribbed Bodice.

An A line skirt.

Train that followed her every step.

The dress was perfect. It was everything she had ever dreamed about, and the white lace roses that trailed down the skirt showed that this dress was in fact hers.


It translated to rose in Spanish, her mother's native tongue. It was the woman's favorite flower. Her name in of its self made her feel connected to the mother she lost so long ago.

She wished she could see her. Would it make the woman smile? She didn't know. She didn't know the woman for very long, and for the most part have forgotten her from her memory.

However, she knew someone else would have smiled. Cheeto would have cry telling her that the man waiting at the alter could give her the entire world, yet, it still wouldn't be enough. However, if it were under the circumstances of real love, he would have happily seen her get married.

"Rosa?" A lady replied after the girl heard a knock on the door. Rosa walked towards the wooden door and opened it to find her wedding planner. "They are ready for you." She replied and the girl simply nodded.

"Am I walking first or second?" The girl asked knowing that her "fiancé" had demanded that he also have the chance to walk the aisle. The girl could care less about it and let him call the shot. In reality, she wanted to get it over with as soon as possible.

"You'll be going first. William made it very clear that he wanted to go second." The planner told her with a sad smile. It was the girl's big day and this man child wanted to steal the entire spotlight from her. "Alright that's fine." Rosa told her with a small nod before walking out the room.

She walked towards the white double doors. The we're probably twice her size as they stood. "Are you ready?" The planner asked her and the girl asked "what about my father?". The planner simply told her that he would not be walking her down the aisle and for the first time that day, Rosa smiled.

Good. I don't want him to.

Rosa turned toward the planner and spoke "go ahead. I'm ready." She could her the lady say something on her headset before the music started and the double doors opened.

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