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A/n: Merry Christmas/ Christmas Eve (Or Happy Holidays if you celebrate a different holiday)! I hope you all have a wonderful day! Thank you so much for reading this story!!!

-Sanity Check-

Taeyong😴: So Jihyo...

Jihyo🍒: Yes Taeyong?

Irene☮️: Yo Taeyong where have you guys been?? Everyone is going wild because they don't know where you are!

Suho🍬: Yet it's so quiet now...

Kun ♠️: It's ok Irene we are alright! We just decided to take a, um, detour would be the best word to describe it

RM💜: Jungkook told me that you guys were on a road trip?

S.coups♦️: Mingyu said you guys forgot Lucas at a Starbucks??

JB🎱: Bambam said you guys were being held hostage on a bus???

Kun♠️: i would deny it but all those things did indeed happen, however, we are actually alright so no worries!

HoongJoong🏴‍☠️: I worry for your sanity my guy

Soobin🧩: How did you guys know that all happened??

RM💜: 97 Liner Group Chat

Taeyong😴: ohhhh yeah that would make sense

JB🎱: Jaehyun really spilt all the tea

Taeyong😴: Not all of it

Kun♠️: Taeyong you really need to "collect your man" as they say

Solar🏵: 👁👄👁

Taeyong😴: NOW all the tea has been split

BangChan🐨: Wait fr??


Taeyong😴: Yeah i still can't believe it for myself

Soobin🧩: Congratulations!!!!!!!

HoongJoong🏴‍☠️: It's about time! Have fun on your new adventure!

Irene☮️: Djdjdjdjej is this why you guys are missing??? Thats hella rad!

Kun♠️: Actually, we are run away from Ten's psychotic millionaire stepfather

RM💜: Hold up... WHAT

Suho🍬: Are you guys alright ???

Solar🏵: Guys you are harshing the Jaeyong vibes let's put a pin it for a sec

Jihyo🍒: Taeyong, sir, we need a play by play STAT 😤

Taeyong😴: it just sorta happened? It's hard to explain...

Soobin🧩: Aw :(

Kun♠️: I can explain

Taeyong😴: Wait what-

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