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Taeyong😴: Jaehyun istg where is my coffee??

Jaehyun🥛: I don't know what you mean

Taeyong😴: Jaehyun... it is midnight and I NEED my coffee

Taeil👾: Oh no

Doyoung🐰: This won't end well

Jaehyun🥛: Taeyong you need to sleep...

Taeyong😴: ...Jaehyun you are really getting on my nerves with all of this

Jaehyun🥛: With what?? Because you won't take care of yourself so I have to do it!

Winwin🏆: Icameinheretosaythatiwasgoingtovisitjamesbutiseethatyouarebusysoilljustgo

Taeyong😴: You don't HAVE to do anything

Jaehyun🥛: You are going to run yourself into the fucking ground at this rate

Renjun📒: Wtf is going on?

Jisungs🐣: The parents are fighting

Taeyong😴: Jisung don't worry sweetie-

Taeyong😴: Maybe I fucking want that JEFFERY


Chenle🐬: This isn't good

Jaemin💘: They are scaring Chenle and Berry

Jeno🎲: Why don't we take Berry for a walk... or swim.. or whatever a platypus does? Chenle, Jisung, why don't you come along?

Jeahyun🥛: Thank you Jeno.


Taeyong😴: Yes, thank you Jeno.


Jungwoo🥺: Ok! Ok! How about we all sit down a take a breath??

Yuta🧶: Hey where did Winwin go?

Yangyang🌏: He went to see James !!

Yuta🧶: JAMES AT THIS HOUR? I think the FUCK not

Haechan🔅: Jeez calm down

XiaoJun🐯: Yangyang please just go to sleep or something

Yuta🧶: Say that to my face I DARE YOU

Yangyang🌏: Sleep is for the weak

Jaehyun🥛: I blame you for this mentality Taeyong ^

Shotaro😊: Haechan just said it to his face

Sungchan🐶: Yuta did not take it well

Taeyong😴: Ok go ahead. Blame me. Everything gets blamed on me anyways. It's just another thing I'll have to worry about...

Jaehyun🥛: Wait no-

Haechan🔅: ✨help✨

Hendery🐚: Yangyang actually got that from me ngl

Yangyang🌏: yeah I did

Yuta🧶: You can't hide HaECHan

Kun♠️: Hey what happened to Mark???

Taeyong😴: Mark??

Yuta🧶: Mark???

Jaehyun🥛: Mark??

Haechan🔅: Mark?

Lucas📣: Mark! Did you bring back any Ramen??

Mark🍉: Uh about that

Rosa🌹: Hey, has anyone seen Ten?? I seriously need to talk to him

Kun♠️: He left with Johnny for a drink with your dad, like maybe 30minutes ago. You might be able to call him?

Rosa🌹: Oh that's alright, it's probably better if I tell him in person...

Yuta🧶: Mark wtf are you on??

Mark🍉: What do you mean?

Taeyong😴: You look like you are high or something

Mark🍉: I'm not doing drugs!

Jaehyun🥛: Yeah you'd be scared it would shrink your height or smth like that

Haechan🔅: Did you get Ramen somewhere else this time??

Mark🍉: Yeah, uh, actually Rosa-

Rosa🌹: MaDe THe RAmen

Taeyong😴: ...

Kun♠️: ...

Jaehyun🥛: ...

Lucas📣: No fair! You told me that you didn't know any Ramen recipes!

Rosa🌹: I, uh, learned... how to make... Ramen

Jungwoo🥺: as a chef, that would check out ✅

Mark🍉: Best Ramen of my entire life btw

Rosa🌹: Really?? I thought it was weird to just spring it on you

Shotaro😊: ...

Haechan🔅: ...

Rosa🌹: the rAmen

Mark🍉: I mean, I was surprised, but I had a few more afterwards... so idk... it was kinda addicting

Hendery🐚: ...

Doyoung🐰: ...

Rosa🌹: If so... come over for ramen again?

Renjun📒: ...

Sungchan🐶: ...

Mark🍉: I think I will

XiaoJun🐯: ...

Lucas📣: OK you two, I think we all have a few questions

Rosa🌹: ...

Taeyong😴: Ok I wasn't the only one

Mark🍉: ...

Jeahyun🥛: No, I do too

Kun♠️: I seriously thought I was the only one that caught on

Lucas📣: What did you put in that ramen???

Jaehyun🥛: ^

Taeyong😴: ^^

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