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"I can't believe you actually ran away to Italy with him. That's so romantic!" Rosa gushed to her friend over the phone as she set down the many plates on the long table.

Her friend chuckled over the line. "On paper but I'm kinda freaking out and it's nothing compared to Athena's story." She replied.

Rosa started walking towards the kitchen once again. Her feet ached from rushing around all day in the restaurant but she refused to take a break until she finished. "Luna, sometimes you have to let your heart guide you."

Her older friend chuckled once more. "That say's a lot coming from you Rosa". The younger had put the phone on speaker while she was taking the, now ready, pizza out of the oven. Rosa laughed too. "Listen, the only man I need in my life is the coffee shop barista down the street."

"Because of him or because of the coffee?" Luna asked shocked that her interesting friend even mentioned a guy at all.

"Because of the coffee!" Rosa bursted our laughing at her friend's question. "Thank you but I'll pass on the grand romantic story."

"What happened to following your heart?" Luna asked over the line as Rosa carried the fresh baked pizza to the table.

"Thankfully my heart agrees with my head at the moment." Rosa replied with a matter of fact tone. She realized she forgot the napkins and walked back to the kitchen to get them.

"The key word is "at the moment". Someone will come around and change that for you. Trust me, all you have to do is wait." Luna replied half asleep from the very long flight she just had. A yawn could be heard over the line.

"I don't think it works like that. Mr. Right isn't going to walk in here just like that, and I'm pretty sure "at the moment" is a phrase." Rosa responded with a light laugh before setting down the napkins on the long table. "You sounds really tired Luna and my brother is about to get here with his friends. Get some sleep and we can talk about this tomorrow, yeah?"

Luna sighed before another yawn escaped her lips "Alright. Have fun and keep an open mind. For me?"

The girl now sighed as she shook her head. Rosa's friends practically raised her, and Luna knew that. She could never really refuse a request from them. "Fine. Good night Luna." They both ended the call and Rosa was left back to the silence once again.

The silence was deafening and she hated it.

However, it was broken by the sound of the distinct ring of the bell attached to the front door. Shortly after, she could here the sounds of people shuffling in.

"Rosa? We are here!"

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