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Taeyong😴: I often have a urge to take care of people. I think this is because on a subconscious level, I don't want to deal with
my own problems and restore to help other people with their problems (Jaemin)

Taeil👾: That is... very intuitive

Yuta🧶: You don't have to help people to avoid your problems, ya know? You should take a page out of my book

Jaehyun🥛: I- wow

Rose🌹: Whoever said that, felt that

Kun♠️: Frfr

Taeyong😴: Sometimes I'll use Febreeze as cologne (Taeyong)

Johnny💚: Taeyong, I don't think that counts as a confession

Haechan🔅: But like Febreeze kink confirmed

Taeyong😴: HoW Do YoU KnOw iTs Me AnD whY DoEsNt cOunT

Lucas📣: iTs wAy TOo ObvIoUs

Rosa🌹: Pfffft Lucas what are you doing?

Mark🍉: He's matching TYs energy

Lucas📣: Mark gets it


Jisung🐣: I'm starting to see how that is an issue

Yangyang🌏: Yup me too

Taeyong😴: If I could wish for anything, it would be to know if everyone has a person that is destined to be with them. (Jeno)

Rosa🌹: Ok so my heart might have just exploded

Doyoung🐰: See, I would have though this would've been Jungwoo

Jungwoo🥺: Nope but it's definitely UWU approved

Mark🍉: I would honestly love to know too

Johnny💚: I don't need to know because I already found my person

Ten🦋: Who are they?? HAVE YOU BEEN CHEATING SEO??!!?

Rose🌹: I... Ten... sigh

Taeyong😴: This is what I have to deal with

Kun♠️: more like I have to deal with

Taeyong😴: I often find myself rewatching the moment when Haechan started a fire in kitchen while wondering what life would be like if it all went up in flames (Kun)

XiaoJun🐯: DAMN

Yuta🧶: ok but FELT THAT

Taeyong😴: Please don't set our dorms on fire

Haechan🔅: Why do I keep coming up in everyone's confessions??

Jaemin💝: That makes you sound like your a sinful person

Haechan🔅: Excuse you, I'd be a walking sin

Rosa🌹: Excuse you, if anyone is walking sin it would be Jaehyun

Jaehyun🥛: Wait what

Haechan🔅: You right you right

Johnny💚: Couldn't agree more

Mark🍉: Fr Jaehyun hits different

Taeyong😴: Jaehyun hits different in the best way possible

Jaehyun🥛: WhAt

Haechan🔅: Next!

Taeyong😴: I cherish all of you. I hope you know that, but I don't know what I would do without the person that's always by my side. (Chenle)

Rosa🌹: I. AM. SOBBING.

Hendery🐚: FRFR

Jisung🐣: I can relate

Taeil👾: My heart went BOOM

Doyoung🐰: I want this and I need this

Jungwoo🥺: UWUWUWUWUWUWUWUWU✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

Jeno🎲: Mood Jungwoo. Mood.

Johnny💚: Wait the next one is the last one right?

Taeyong😴: Yeah it is

Jaehyun🥛: What does it say?

Doyoung🐰: He's opening it

Taeil👾: He closed it

Taeyong😴: uh maybe we should call it a day

Winwin🏆: It can't be that bad

Yuta🧶: just spit it out

Taeyong😴: it's not bad, it's just... idk

Rosa🌹: Oh?

Lucas📣: Now she's even more curious

Yangyang🌏: Girl deadass paused the movie at the best part so maybe, let's pick up the speed with this?

Taeyong😴: Uhhh

Jaehyun🥛: Taeyong what is it?

Taeyong😴: I just- FINE. Fine.

Taeyong😴 has removed Rosa🌹 from -Send Help-

Ten🦋: what???

Johnny💚: um tf?

Taeyong😴: Yangyang, Lucas, actually everyone, promise you won't show Rosa my next text no matter what

Yangyang🌏: What why??

Lucas📣: ... ok we promise. No objections right?

Doyoung🐰: I don't think so

Kun♠️: There are no objections

Taeyong😴: I think I'm in love with Rosa (Mark)

Ten🦋: WHAT

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