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Johnny💚: Why the hell is someone yelling at the fucking sun??

Ten🦋: I'm too hung over for this

Haechan🔅: This bitch thinks it can shine brighter than me??! I think the FUCK not


Yuta🧶: I hate people.

Jungwoo🥺: Even me?

Taeil👾: Confirmed: Jungwoo is not a person

Jungwoo🥺: But why? :(

Doyoung🐰: You are not a person because we hate people, but we could never hate you

Jungwoo🥺: UwU✨💘

Taeyong😴: Haechan istg STOP YELLING AT THE SUN

Haechan🔅: Not until it STOPS SHINING

Renjun📒: You realize that if the sun stopped shining we would all be doomed?

Jeno🎲: 🤡

Mark🍉: Has anyone seen Lucas?

Shotaro😊: I saw him leaving this morning

Sungchan🐶: While you were debating why you wanted to be a chicken

Shotaro😊: LifE As A CHiCkEn WoULd Be EAsIer

Winwin🏆: Gald to see that they are matching up to our ✨Chaos✨

Rosa🌹: I have to agree with Shotaro, chickens don't have ✨daddy issues✨

Mark🍉: Stop deflecting your ✨trauma✨ with humor and ✨open up✨

Rosa🌹: no ❤️

Johnny💚: You sound just like Te-

Ten🦋: taught her well

Johnny💚: Yup that makes sense

Jaehyun🥛: Btw Lucas said he was going to Rosa's

Lucas📣: Yup! She made me Ramen! Very good btw I highly recommend it!

Rosa🌹: Aw thanks Lucas

Mark🍉: WhAt

Lucas📣: Yeah, amazing it was an amazing pork ramen bowl

Mark🍉: o-oh

Rosa🌹: The pork ramen turned out pretty good ngl but the one I made last night was probably my favorite truly *chefs kiss*

Mark🍉: jfkfbriejejstopfdhdbsn

Kun♠️: Speaking of, yesterday Rosa said she had something to tell you Ten.

Ten🦋: Rosa, you could have just called?

Rosa🌹: Trust me, telling you over the phone is not the move

Johnny💚: Oh? Something important??

Rosa🌹: eh... sorta... kinda... yeah

Ten🦋: OH That reminds me we have big news!!

XiaoJun🐯: oh no

Johnny💚: Rosa's father bought us a week off of idol work

Jaemin💘: Wait seriously??

Rosa🌹: I don't doubt it, the mans motto is "everything has a price tag"

Hendery🐚: OOp

Ten🦋: And he is flying us all to Chicago!!

Mark🍉: Wait really??

Jaehyun🥛: Oh wow

Johnny💚: Yeah he was like "You are all a part of Ten's life and have grown friendships with my daughter so it's important you are there."

Lucas📣: woah

Kun♠️: He's not wrong but something is off...

Haechan🔅: Free vacation is a free vacation

Renjun📒: Frfr

Jungwoo🥺: It should be exciting!

Rosa🌹: Yeah it should be! I'll miss you guys that week but the restaurant will keep me busy :)

Mark🍉: ...

Ten🦋: That's the thing, he wants you there too!

Johnny💚: He expressly said that he wants our helping in convincing you too go

Rosa🌹: I don't know...

Ten🦋: Rosa... I think he is trying to be better

Rosa🌹: You think??

Ten🦋: Yeah! Besides a free vacation is a free vacation!

Rosa🌹: Well... can't argue with that logic

Jaemin💘: Yay I'm excited!

Yangyang🌏: Me too!

Johnny💚: Well pack your bags because we leave Monday!, bright and early!

Taeyong😴: It's Sunday morning...

Ten🦋: Yup!!

Taeyong😴: jfc

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