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Chenle🐬: My confession was "I cherish all of you. I hope you know that, but I don't know what I would do without the person that's always by my side."

Jaemin💝: My heart went BOOM


Johnny💚: Aww the Chensung vibes are vibin today

Taeyong😴: Again with the "vibing"?

Johnny💚: it's VIBIN

Chenle🐬: Hhow did you know I was talking about Jisung?

Jisung🐣: Did you mean me?

Chenle🐬: Ofc! You're always at my side and make sure I'm happy every day! You're my closest friend! Who else would I possibly mean?

Jaehyun🥛: That's how ^

Doyoung🐰: I'm the one that escaped to Japan

Kun♠️: I'm not surprised

Winwin🏆: AnD YoU DIdnT TAkE Me WiTh YoU

Kun♠️: Not surprised in the slightest

Taeil👾: I can't believe you came back for the manger's sake

Doyoung🐰: Me neither

Mark🍉: Doyoung we would have missed you!

Haechan🔅: and your cooking!

Doyoung🐰: I should let you starve

Jeno🎲: I would have missed you and your cooking too

Doyoung🐰: Awwwwwwwwwww Jeno Thank you!

Hendery🐚: Well Damn I see why you all think he has a favorite

XiaoJun🐯: Well confessing to confessions was fun while it lasted

Haechan🔅: No Mark's left. Mark go.

Renjun📒: Damn he said -> no ❤️

Taeyong😴: Well Mark hasn't gone yet and I'm getting kind of tired of this

Jaehyun🥛: You are always tired

Taeyong😴: That's fair

Yuta🧶: Mark?

Mark🍉: Yup... well...

Johnny💚: are you alright?

Taeil👾: I can sense the tea

Mark🍉: II.... Uhh

Kun♠️: it's happening


Doyoung🐰: What?

Winwin🏆: Since when??

Mark🍉: Uh when Ten and I shared a room for that one SuperM thing, he had a flask and pranked me

Jaehyun🥛: Yeah that checks out

Johnny💚:That does sound like Ten

Haechan🔅: If Mark drank the cologne, that mean Ten things he is selling his soul for fame, WHICH MEANS...

Haechan🔅: Lucas is in love with Rosa!!

Taeyong😴: called it!

Kun♠️: ... I guess you did. My intuition must not be perfect after all...

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