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A/n : A peak at what happened to Mark and Rosa during the events of chapter -51- :)

"EW NO" Rosa yelled as she quickly zoomed away from the scene of her brother and his partner in the living room. Although, she thought their relationship was cute, it was still her brother.

While hearing Jaemin screech at Chenle and Jisung to "SHEILD YOUR EYES", Rosa ran at full speed towards Mark's room where the two were playing video games earlier.





The new found commotion peaked Rosa's interest as she turned around to see what was going on. However, this led her to running straight into something. With a large thud Rosa knocked the object - with herself right after- on the floor.

It took the girl a moment to take in the soft, rhythmic, thump in her ear and the splurge of warmth that seemed to envelop her body. Rosa couldn't help but feel a sense of security wash over her. "I'd say you are falling for me but it's more like you are making me fall for you." She heard a light hearted yet winded voice say.

Rosa lifted her head from the warm object to see that she in fact, had tackled Mark. "Mark??" She replied with eyes as wide a saucers.

The boy looked at her as her face was barley apart from his. The weight of her body on his almost felt right- grounding- to someone like Mark who had felt like he was simply floating through life. She looked so worried and panicked that it almost made him chuckle at how easily stirred she could be. However, the way the sky light shone directly down on them gave her a golden aura that made her look unreal.

"Yes Angel?" He responded without much thought (Maybe that tackle caused a bit of head damage). Mark's nonchalant answer seemed to throw the girl into another downward spiral.

Rosa's face started to get red as her eyes wandered over the boy's pretty face. The thump in her chest started to pick up speed and her words dwindled down to stutter. "I-I'm so-o sor-r-ry." She spoke. The girl sat up in hopes of both putting some distance between them and getting off of Mark.

However, he seemed to have other plans. As Rosa sat up and released Mark's arms from the sides of his torso, they snaked their way to the her lower thighs essentially keeping her in place. Rosa, seeing as though she was stuck straddling Mark, looked down at him in even more shock.

Truth be told, Mark didn't know what came over him. He just want to keep her close, however, had no idea how to relay that piece of information. He just took a deep breath and looked up at her trying to say something, anything. His mouth opened, trying to piece together the syllables, but nothing came out.

"Um, Mark?"


"Your hands..."


"Maybe you can let go?"

"I mean I can..."


"I..." Mark didn't know how to explain to her how right "this" felt to him. Having her close in this moment was like nothing ever before. At the same time he was the most anxious and calm he had ever been. It was so new yet comforting to a point where he felt like he had always held the same feeling. It was poetic, and magical, and beautiful yet the word that came out of his mouth was...

"Y-you're warm."

For most people, his words would have evoked a weird face followed by a judging look, however, to Rosa- someone who had wanted warmth more than anything- it was one of the nicest compliments she had ever received. Her heart melted at his awkward smile and the way he had no idea what cord he had struck. Nevertheless, she placed her hands and his and gently set them on the ground. He now looked at her with the same confusion she had held before. Rosa got off of him and stood up as a sweet smile spread on her lips.

"Need some help?" She asked with an outstretched hand. Mark gladly took it, relieved that she wasn't weirded out by his panicked comment. He stood up yet she didn't let go. Instead, Rosa yanked him into her arms and held him tight. Mark didn't know what was running through her mind, however, in that moment, didn't care. He gingerly looped his arms around her waist and wished for that moment to last forever.

They didn't know what this was, but they were in each other's arms, and for now, that was enough.

"Thank you."

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