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"I can't believe both of you got married in one weekend." Rosa replied over the phone as she locked the front door of restaurant on the cool summer night.

"Yeah it was definitely a shocker to me too!" Athena replied playfully smacking Luna's back while the latter laughed.

Rosa smiled at her friend's laughter. She was glad they were both happy. "Congratulations you two."

They both thanked the youngest before Luna mentioned "We might be saying that to you very soon." She spoke over the line with a cheeky grin. "Did Mr.right ever walk in that night?"

"I seriously doubt it. It was just my brother and his friends." Rosa densely replied while her friends looked at each other with a knowing look.

"Why aren't either of you saying anything?"

"No reason."

"No reason at all"

"Ok?" The youngest skeptically asked not knowing what they were thinking.

"Rosa!" A figure exclaimed as it made its way down the still busy street. The girl quickly realized that it was the person that texted her a few moments ago.

"Who was that?" A curious Luna suggestively asked over the phone as Athena kept in her giddy laughter while also trying to calm Luna down by elbowing her ribs.

"Oh, uh. Hey, I gotta go." Rosa replied as she saw Mark getting closer. He waved at her and she instinctively waved back.

"Oh?" Both girls spoke over the phone as curiosity started to leak into their thoughts. However, before the girl's friends could embarrass her, she hung up the call.

"Hey." Mark replied with a small smile as he walked up to the girl. He wore jeans with a large black sweat shirt.

"Hey." The girl exasperatedly replied. She looked at him for a split second before averting her gaze to anywhere else.

Mark eyed the girl. He was halfway zoned out into his own thoughts, not realizing the stare he was directing towards her. Although the city was as noisy as usual on the busy street, the two were mainly silent. Rosa awkwardly coughed which snapped Mark back to the present moment.

"Let me walk you home."


The walk was quite and slightly awkward for the girl however, her curiosity seemed to take over. Rosa had no clue why Mark was acting in such a way, especially after what happened in the elevator a little ways back.

Other then that, the walk was pleasant. The night was cool and there seemed to be a slight breeze blowing over them as the bright city lights illuminated their path.

Although the first few minutes seemed to be a normal, slightly awkward , stroll for the girl, Mark seemed to back the seclusion of his own thoughts.

Truth be told, he himself, seemed to start regretting coming to see the girl. He knew what he wanted to say however, not how to put it.

"I'm surprised you are here."

He turned his head towards the owner of the voice. She was looking up at the sky. Her gaze refused to meet his but from her peripheral vision she could see that she had caught his attention.

"Honestly, me too." He replied with an awkward chuckle. He looked away for a moment, feeling the nonexistent tension start to sink in. His thoughts seemed to jumble as he tried to say something.

"Um... I... uh"

The girl covered her mouth in hopes of stopping the giggle that erupted from her lips. She couldn't believe he was the same Mark from a couple days ago. "It's ok, just spit it out." She told him in a welcoming and playful manner.

"I'm sorry."

"You should be." She replied finally looking at him. They stopped walking, only a few feet away from the front door of her apartment building.

"I don't have an excuse for acting the way I did."

"Even if you don't realize it, you actually, kinda do." She replied. His eyes monetarily widened at her response. "Someone who comes in and "steals the spotlight" even if they don't mean to can still be an unpleasant feeling. I don't blame you." She spoke with a kind a genuine smile while he seemed to be, once again, at a loss for words.

"Yeah." Was all he seemed to respond. After all, she had hit the nail on the head.

"I don't want to steal your spotlight Mark." Her voice was soft, almost a whisper in comparison to the loud noises that rang through the city. "I just don't want to be alone..."

"Let's be friends then." He blurted out once again. It seemed to be the first time that night where his words were deliberate.

She looked at him slightly shocked. "What?"

"Will you be my friend Rosa?" He asked softly as a hopeful grin laced up the edges of his mouth.

"I'd love that."

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