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"You look like mint green trash bag"

"I got the trash part from you"

He chuckled at his sister's way of joking around even in a situation like this. She had stopped crying and he could feel her heartbeat steady after a few minutes, however, she still refused to let go. "You can let go you know? I won't disappear." He replied trying to lighten the mood but, his statement seemed to make her tighten her grasp.

There was a moment of silence before soft sniffles could barely be heard from her. "You don't know that."

"What?" He asked with a half smiled at both the nonsense at she saying and the seriousness in her voice. He looked to the others for some kind of guidance, but they were even more lost than he was.

"Everyone leaves."

"What?" He gently unlatched her arms and held her at arms length by her shoulders to look at her straight in the eyes. He could tell that stifled her cries and instead let the silent tears fall.

"My friends, my father, even you. All of you left to find someone else, some they loved." She spoke slowly, not wanting to sound as though she was accusing him because she understood. If she could she would have done the same. "But me? I can't leave. I can't take down these walls. All I want is to rip these fucking walls down." She started to ramble, what to him was nonsense.

"Rosa wha-"

"It's so fucking cold and he was so warm." Even though her voice was scratchy, her cries started to get louder. "Why can't let anyone in? Why must I cut everyone off? I can't even control it anymore! All I want is to have what everyone else has! Is that so much to ask for??" She cried through the 3am atmosphere as he pieced together what see was saying. He brought her back into his arms wanting her to feel less alone.

However, he knew it wasn't the same.

"I'm so cold."

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