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We Interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you " Mark and Johnny's 3 AM Adventure" a story set to mirror the theme of Hantzel and Gretel, enhanced with a modern, slightly chaotic, light.

A/n: Hey guys, so I've been slammed packed with school work. I thought I wasn't going to update this Friday, but then my English literature teacher gave us an assignment to write a short story set to the plot of Hantzel and Gretel, so I decided to knock out two birds with one stone. 

That my friends, is how we arrived at this. Hope you enjoy.

NOT part of the Cooked Plot!!! Just a fun side story!!

"Psst. Johnny."

"One more minute."


"Let me sleep."


"What!" Johnny whined as he peeked from behind the soft blankets. It was hard to see due to the minimal lighting, however, he groaned when he made out the figure in front of him. "Mark, did you break into my house again?"

"Hey now, it isn't braking in if I have a key." Mark corrected while dangling a silver key that reflect the dim moon light seeping in from the practically open blinds.

"And where did you get this key?" Johnny questioned as he sat up. He crossed his arms and flared at the younger male in annoyance. "Under the floor mat next to the front door. Where else?" He responded as though it was the only logical answer. The older sighed as he resisted the urge to literally throw Mark from his second story, bedroom window. "Mark, what time is it and why are you here?"

"I want ice cream and it's a little past 3:00am." Mark replied as he picked up Johnny's charging phone to look at the time displayed on the lock screen. He handed the device to its owner who looked at the time with zero shock but a whole lot of disappointment. Johnny looked at the time, then Mark, then the time, the Mark once again. He repeated the task as if trying to signal the younger what was wrong in his nonexistent line of reasoning.



"It's 3am."


"And you want icecream?"


"I don't have any icecream in the fridge."

"Then let's go get some!"



About 30 minutes later Johnny got out of his car. He walked through the cold night towards the only illuminated shop on the block, with Mark at his side.

The two of them have been friends since before Mark could walk. Their parents had been friends since college which meant that they were bound to be friends too. At first, Johnny saw Mark as an annoying puppy that would follow him everywhere. He would easily get annoyed by the child that curiously look over every chance he got. However, eventually Johnny learned to deal with Mark's inexplicable confusion of everything and sometimes, even tried to teach him.

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