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A/n: ngl this chapter is kinda wild... also THANK YOU MUCH FOR 20K VEIWS 🥺💘🤩

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Ten🦋: I can't believe you guys won't let me drive again!!!!

XiaoJun🐯: Is he fr?

Johnny💚: I can confirm that he is

Hendery🐚: Jfc Ten, you realize if we let you drive again there is a good chance we are all going to die??

Lucas📣: um guys

Doyoung🐰: I say we let Ten drive again

Ten🦋: Thank you Doyoung!

Jeno🎲: Doyoung... are you ok?

Winwin🏆: Aw Jeno don't worry, he's just having a quarter life crisis

Doyoung🐰: Wdym quarter life crisis? tHeRe ARE ThReE MoRe QuArTerS oF ThiS?!??

Jaemin💘: Can we stop for coffee again please? 🥺

Taeyong😴: But we stopped like 20 minutes ago...

Lucas📣: guys

Renjun📒: Haechan, you are going to have to hypnotize him again...

Haechan🔅: Already working on it

Shotaro😊: Wait what?

Sungchan🐶: So you hypnotize members???

Haechan🔅: Yeah, and who knows I might have hypnotized you two.... and you wouldn't even know

Sungchan🐶: ...

Shotaro😊: ...


Haechan🔅: MuAhahAhAhahAh

Jaehyun🥛: Istg I WILL throw you out of this bus

Lucas📣: Um GuYs

Kun♠️: Jaehyun... weren't you, you know, driving??

Jaehyun🥛: Oh we let Yuta drive

Taeil👾: Haha we are in trouble 🤠

Jungwoo🥺: Awwww that tiny cowboy hat is so cute!!!!

Doyoung🐰: what an Angel

Doyoung🐰: Anyways, screw quarter life because we have been upgraded to ✨about✨to✨die✨

Hendery🐚: Ok but the sparkles? Felt.

Lucas📣: um hey so

Taeyong😴: it's ok, we told him that if he didn't drive safely, there was a good chance that Winwin would get hurt in an accident

Jaehyun🥛: Now he is a model driver

Ten🦋: Hey, where is Rosa?

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