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A/n: Since we are wrapping up, it's time for a little change of focus!

"Haechan it's already midnight" Taeyong spoke over the phone as he paced around the hotel room. Jaehyun sat at the edge of his queen bed closest to the window while he watched him. "Do you and Renjun really need to go to Taco Bell right now?" Taeyong said as he ran his hands through his disheveled hair. This entire trip was running him ragged.

Nothing was said on the other line, the leader knew this as Haechans form of silent retaliation. He sighed before giving in "Fine just don't get kidnapped and text me when you guys are back in your room." He hung up the phone and walked over to his bed.

" you need to try to go get some rest." Jaehyun spoke as Taeyong pulled in his phone. The latter gave his a curt look before responding "I can't until Haechan or Renjun texts me back and I know they are back in their room, safe."

Jaehyun looked at him before cracking a smile "You realize those too idiots will be lucky to be by 2?" He started laughing, however, this made Taeyong frown "yeah I know."

"You should really get some sleep." Jaehyun pressed on, but the other boy didn't answer. Things always got weird when Jaehyun said anything to Taeyong about resting. The two had gotten into many arguments over the subject, however, they still haven't talked about it. They were dancing around the fire and were too scared of getting burned.

This tense silence that seems to befall the two of them every time the subject was mentioned, honestly started to get onto Jaehyun's nerves. He was tired of beating around the bush and wanted a real answer, but as always, Taeyong would deflect "You know I can't go to sleep until they are back."

Jaehyun turned his gaze towards him. "You should go to sleep. I can wait until they are back" He offered as another solution, however, Taeyong wasn't having it. "It's fine." He waved him off.

A small, burning, anger started to slow rise within Jaehyun in that moment. Like it had many times before. He stood up, which took Taeyong's attention. "Why won't you let me help you?" The prior asked with a aggravated huff.

Taeyong looked at him for a moment before also standing up. He match up him height and looked at him with a cold glare. "Because this is my job. I'm the one who should handle it."

"I can help you." Jaehyun replied with a slightly louder voice. The tension started Taeyong's pacing again. "I'm alright" the latter told him. He was not letting up.

Jaehyun clicked his tounge and refrained the ironic laugh that wanted to bubble up "You are alright?" He asked in a soft and exasperated tone. Jaehyun could not believe his friend's words. "You are alright?!" He asked in a louder tone. The slow embers of his anger started to burn and a ravenous rate "Taeyong! You are driving you self into the fucking ground!"

"I TOLD YOU IM FINE" The accused yelled back. He was done with this debacle. It was a pointless waste of breath for him, because arguing about it wouldn't change the facts. It only wasted his time.

"WHY WON'T YOU LET ME HELP YOU?" Jaehyun yelled back as he started to take steps towards the other male.

"BECAUSE ITS NOT YOUR JOB TO FUCKING HELP ME" Taeyong told him as he started to put space between them. His voice started to waver as a sinking feeling seemed to start creeping in.

Jaehyun balled his fits and before he yelled back "I KNOW IT ISNT MY JOB BUT I CANT LET YOU KEEP DOING THIS TO YOURSELF" He took another step, however, Taeyong simply two more steps back in response.

"I TOLD YOU IM FINE." He replied crossing his arms over his chest in hopes of creating some semblance of a barrier between them.

"TAEYONG I CARE FOR YOU..." Jaehyun yelled as he took steps closer to his friend. His anger started to wash over, however, the pain what was left for him. For a moment, he didn't speak in hopes of finding the right words, however, when he knew he could not find them he sighed and simply said "... I can't let you keep doing this to yourself... please... let me in. Let me help." He replied taking more steps forward.

Taeyong's eyes widened. He tried to escape from his approaching friend but with his back against the wall both literally and figuratively. He reached the end of his rope. "STOP!" He blurted as his arms extended from his body in hopes of forcing a few inches of distance. "Don't get closer..."

"Taeyong?" Jaehyun asked a slight confusion and shock. His name on his lips, sounded sweet to Taeyong as he tried to fight the suffocating feeling that seemed to gain the jump on him. He fought off the pain and tears. What the hell was he going to do?

Really tell him?

Ruin everything?

Loose him?

However, before he weighed those thoughts, the words had already started to leave his lips "It hurts when you are too close. I don't want you close to me because it hurts to see something I want so close yet so far." Taeyong replied in a clear and quiet tone. His eyes were down cast on the floor, he couldn't look at Jaehyun in the eyes in that moment.

However, in what felt like a split second. Jaehyun had understood what Taeyong had meant and scooped the latter in his arms. "Thank you." He replied in a blissful whisper.

"J-Jaehyun what are you doing-"

"I like you too." He replied moving his hands to his cheeks as they gazed into each other's eyes "I have for a while now." He added as a blush crept on his checks.

"Really?" Taeyong asked with wide eyes. He was scared he was caught in the middle of a day dream . However, when he wrapped his arms around Jaehyun he knew it was real. "Really." The latter confirmed.

That night, the two friends knew that their relationship had started to winde down a new path. A path that was something different, something new, and something that would never be like it was before. However, they were prepared to walk this new path together.

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