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A/n: Just wondering if anybody would like to see another -Sanity Check- chat? Aka the leader gc

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Taeyong😴: Where is everybody? I finally got all the confessions and suddenly evEryOne iS gOnE

Johnny💚: I can hear him yelling just by reading that text

Jaehyun🥛: I can hear him yelling because he is sitting RIGHT NEXT TO ME

Taeyong😴: oh Boohoo

Jungwoo🥺: Taeyong your yelling made me flinch and mess up the drawing of Berry I was making òwó

Taeyong😴: OmgJungwooIamsosorryIdidntmeantomessupyourdrawingImsosorryyoupreciousbeanpleasestaysafeandhaveaniceday

Jungwoo🥺: It's ok and ofc I will Taeyongie!!

Taeyong😴: hdjdjdbwjsifudhd What is this magical feeling that I have never felt before??

Jaehyun🥛: Anddddd now he is loudly squealing while I am still next to him

Ten🦋: seems about right

Lucas📣: Oh sorry Taeyong, I just read the chat. I'm at Rosa's rn so I probably won't be back until later

Mark🍉: ugifuddh

Doyoung🐰: Ya good Mark?

Mark🍉: Never been better haha

Haechan🔅: He is hitting his head against the wall

Jeno🎲: And he is super red

Renjun📒: Andd he keeps talking to himself

Jaemin💝: "I.. need... to... stop... over... thinking"

Mark🍉: GUYS!!

Yuta🧶: Pfffft That definitely sounds like Mark

Taeil👾: Just got back to the dorm, where is everyone??

Taeyong😴: That's what I've been saying!

Winwin🏆: I'm at a cafe with Kun, Hendery, and XiaoJun rn

Chenle🐬: Jisung, Yangyang, and I went to grab some ice cream

Johnny💚: I wanted to check out this new shop that opened down the street and Ten, Yuta, and Doyoung tagged along

Haechan🔅: Jaemin, Renjun, Jeno and I are currently watching Mark panic over who knows what in the corner of a ramen shop

Jaehyun🥛: And Lucas is with Rosa

Renjun📒: Andd there goes Mark again

Jaemin💝: That poor wall

Taeyong😴: I think that accounts for everyone but I guess we'll have to push back confessions till later

Yangyang🌏: Why not send them in the chat??

Jisung🐣: Yeah that could work

XiaoJun🐯: It would sure make things a lot easier

Kun♠️: Maybe even keep someone from being strangled

Hendery🐚: Fr

Taeyong😴: Alright, what's the worst that can happen?

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