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Haechan 🔅: Alright so these are the people that exposed themselves/got exposed: Me, Jaehyun, Yangyang, Taeyong, Jisung, XiaoJun, Renjun, Winwin, Hendery, and Jungwoo

Kun♠️: And Shotaro and Sungchan are good since they weren't here for when we did confessions

Mark🍉: Yeah but now they gotta confess to something

Shotaro😊: ???

Taeil👾: Sungchan GO!

Sungchan🐶: I honestly think you all have a stash of coke somewhere

Jungwoo🥺: We actually do! It's in the fridge!

Sungchan🐶: ...That makes sense


Taeyong😴: ...

Sungchan🐶: ...

Yuta🧶: Shotaro GO!

Shotaro😊: Uhhhhh I was on TikTok?

Haechan🔅: Good enough. Someone confess to their confession

Johnny💚: I'll go since Ten isn't here to murder me

Johnny💚:One time I had a dream where everyone's heights were switch. For example Johnny and Lucas were the shortest members and Ten and XiaoJun were the tallest. It was honestly terrifying (Johnny)

Doyoung🐰: That makes sense now that I think of it

XiaoJun🐯: Thank you for letting me dream about stepping on people

Johnny💚: Of course

Yuta🧶: I was the one that broke Jaehyun's hair dryer

Jaehyun🥛: BETRAYAL

Yuta🧶: k

Haechan🔅: Bahahahahahahah MOOD

Jaehyun🥛: :(

Jungwoo🥺: Taeyong!

Taeyong😴: Yes Jungwoo???

Jungwoo🥺: you should go hug Jaehyun because he is sad UwU

Taeyong😴: Anything you say!

Jaehyun🥛: :)

Doyoung🐰: 👏KIM👏JUNG👏WOO👏

Taeil👾: The angel himself

Johhny💚: Damn he really said "Ship it"

Jungwoo🥺: 💝✨

Jaemin💝: I'm the one that helps people to avoid my own problems

Jisung🐣: Yeah that checks out

Chenle🐬: Frfr

Kun♠️: I was the one contemplating the dorm burning to the ground

Yangyang🌏: That, however, does not

Hendery🐚: Damn Kun, I Kinda respect you more now

Haechan🔅: Thank you for believing that I could commit accidental arson :)

Kun♠️: the smily face is concerning

Winwin🏆: It means nothing is accidental about his arson

Jeno🎲: uh Is was the confession about soulmates

Doyoung🐰: Awwww kids these days

Taeil👾: They don't know how disappointing the world really is

Shotaro😊: Uh you are famous, talented, good looking, and rich??

Taeil👾: I know 💅✨

Taeyong👾: Btw I'm the one who confessed to sacrifice Haechan

Renjun📒: That makes sense ngl

Haechan🔅: Pffffft Yeah its on brand for us. Anyways who's going next?

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