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Rosa🌹: So

Mark🍉: So?

Rosa🌹: Game night!

Ten🦋: Oh no

Johnny💚: This won't end well.

Jaehyun🥛: Why so pessimistic

Johnny💚: Not pessimistic

Ten🦋: just realistic

Yangyang🌏: Is anyone else slightly scared?

Jaemin💝: eh

Jisung🐣: kinda

Chenle🐬: yes.

Jeno🎲: It's just game night, what's the worst that could happen?

Renjun📒: You dumb bitch

Kun♠️: What did we say about using that word?

Renjun📒: *You idiotic bitch

Kun♠️: I

Winwin🏆: At least it's more accurate?

Lucas📣: Game night sounds like fun!

Jungwoo🥺: It does!

Doyoung🐰: Sure, why not?

Taeil👾: Yeah ok

Yuta🧶: I'm in

Taeyong😴: Sure But I'll be napping on the couch

Rosa🌹: Sounds about right

Jaehyun🥛: Sounds like fun

Hendery🐚: I'd like to meet bell

Yangyang🌏: Does that mean I can bring taco?

Rosa🌹: sure!

Winwin🏆: If Rosa is cool with it than I see no problem

XiaoJun🐯: This should be interesting

Kun♠️: (Taco??)

Winwin🏆: (What else for you think that truck from yesterday was?)

Kun♠️: I will also be taking a nap

Mark🍉: food?

Rosa🌹: yes

Mark🍉: Cool I'm in

Johnny💚: 🛳 ?

Ten🦋: JoNnAthAn

Johnny💚: Fine

Haechan🔅: I'll bring UNO !

Ten🦋: NO

Johnny💚: NO

Rosa🌹: YES

Jungwoo🥺: I will crush you under the heel of my tough leather boots like the cancerous cigarettes you are until I make sure the light inside you dwindles into the darkness of the endless abyss

Jungwoo🥺: But lets all remember to have fun! UwU

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