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"Sister dearest feed me please!"

"Ten, I swear if you don't stop howling like a dying rat, the only thing I'm going to serve you is a fruit salad." They could hear the chef yelling from the kitchen.


"And you are dramatic." Rosa replied, swinging the kitchen door open while holding a  large, steaming hot pizza on a wooden tray. The girl's long hair was tied back into a high bun with loose strands falling over her face. She wore a white chef's coat paired with black dress pants that were covered in flour. "Hello. You can all take a seat in the regular dining room. No one is here since I decided to close early." Rosa spoke, turning to the new faces with a tired smile.

"You really closed early?" Lucas asked as he looked around to see that it was true. There was no one in the building except for them. Rosa nodded as she crossed her arms before she said "Of course, no friends of mine will ever be subjected to having to sit in the back room. It doesn't matter if it is the VIP room, you all have come here for a dining experience, and I intend to give it to you." She replied as a matter of fact.

Lucas beamed at his friend's words as he walked up to her and gently patted the top of her bun. "Aw that so sweet Rosa, but you didn't have to close the whole restaurant for us." He said trying to be cool about it but in reality, he felt really special that she did. Rosa looked up and mustered all of her remaining energy to give him a heart warming smile. She gingerly reached for his hand on top of her head and held it.  "Sure, I didn't have to, but I wanted to. I'll do anything for my bestie."  she told him.

The rest looked on at the two best friends' exchange. Although it was night, they seemed to be engulfed in the warm rays of daylight, as it softly enveloped them in a warm embrace. Some looked on with a fond smile, as others felt a sort of jealous ping.

"Rosa!" Ten replied as he pushed Lucas away from her. Rosa chuckles in amusement at her protective brother's actions as he started to scold her for being nicer to the "big baby" than her own sibling. "Will you forgive me for a slice of this delicious, fruit free, pizza?" She asked and he immediately agreed.

"Thank you for having us again Rosa." Taeyong replied once Ten had calmed down. She gave him a sweet smile. "It's my pleasure, and if you get tired waiting for the rest to finish, I have a comfy couch in my office. It's perfect for sleeping." She told him remembering all the precious times that he had visited the restaurant. Rosa had noticed that Taeyong was always the first one to finish his food and struggled to stay awake while waiting for everyone else to finish up.

Taeyong chuckled and thanked her before Mark asked "Have you slept in your office before?" a slight ting of amusement apparent in his voice.

"I've spent the night in my office on multiple occasions. You underestimate my laziness." She replied jokingly before starting to walk off towards the dining area. She didn't want to keep them waiting seeing as Ten was "about to pass out" as he put it.

Mark looked at her retreated figure. He knew that "her laziness." wasn't the reason she would spend the night in a cold office rather than a warm bed. He figured that she was too tired to walk all the way back to her apartment after a brutal day in the kitchen. He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice Kai walk up next to him.

"So that's Ten's sister?" He asked as he followed Mark's gaze, before looking back towards the starstruck boy.

"She seems more like Lucas' girlfriend if you ask me." He spoke messing around with the oblivious boy.


"What's going on here?" Baekyun asked once he noticed Mark's flustered state. "Oh nothing, just confirming a hunch." Kai replied before clasping a hand on the Candian's shoulder.

"Bad things happen when you get a hunch Kai." Taemin replied as he walked up to the small group. They started walking towards the table.  "True, but they are usually right." He replied, glancing at a still slightly embarrassed Mark. "If this one is right too, something good will come of it. Trust me."

"If you say so." Taemin replied, stuffing his hands in his pockets before looking ahead towards the set table. There sat the rest, the steaming hot pizza, a pitcher of chilled water, napkins, plates, and utensils. "For now, let's eat!"

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