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Haechan🔅: Uh the kitchen is on fire again

Taeyong😴: DAMMIT

Kun♠️: Who's fault was it this time?

Rosa🌹: Sorry...

Taeil👾: That makes 0 sense

XiaoJun🐯: This entire group makes 0 sense

Yangyang🌏: Can confirm

Doyoung🐰: Rosa you are a chef with her own successful restaurant. How did this even happen?

Ten🦋: Probably tried baking again

Lucas📣: We tried baking

Rosa🌹: Lucas and I tried baking

Johnny💚: Yeah that makes sense

Chenle🐬: Lucas + Kitchen = Fire

Jisung🐣: That ^ I understand but what does baking have to do with it?

Ten🦋: Rosa is TERRIBLE at baking

Johnny💚: Remember when she tried to make chocolate cake and it chipped your Mom's tooth?

Ten🦋: sOmEOnE GEt Me To a DenTist

Rosa🌹: I still feel bad about that

Ten🦋: She was fine though

Lucas📣: The fire is out but the cake is ruined


Jaehyun🥛: Why were you guys making a cake in the first place?

Lucas📣: We just wanted to see if we could

Rosa🌹: The answer is no

Winwin🏆: Now that I think about it you guys have gotten really close recently...

Yuta🧶: Just like you and James

Jaemin💝: ok, I'm hiding the knives

Jeno🎲: Don't forget the scissors

Winwin🏆: Yeah James is really fun to be around


Renjun📒: uh he has a katana


Yuta🧶: It was decor at my family's home but I convinced my mom to send it to me AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Taeyong😴: I'm calm. I'm calm. I'm calm.

Johnny💚: Grabbed It and put it on the highest shelf

Jaehyun🥛: Your height is a blessing bro

Johnny💚: Thank you bro

Lucas📣: Can we talk about how short Rosa is?

Jungwoo🥺: Smol bean uwu

Ten🦋: hdjdjdbdjfjfjfj EXACTLY

Rosa🌹: You realize we are the same height Cheeto?

Mark🍉: Should have eaten your fruits and vegetables to grow up big and strong Ten

Ten🦋: Fruits? I rather be short

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