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"Let me grab the money." Mark said opening the door as his gaze traveled from the chaotic living room to the person at the door. "How much-"

There stood Rosa. She wore black leggings and a very large mint green sweater, as she used it's soft sleeves to wipe away the tears that rolled down her face. Her eyes were puffy, her face was slightly red, and her lower lip trembled just like her hands. The girl's arms were crossed over her chest, almost acting as a barrier between herself and everything else.

Mark's eyes widened at the scene in front of him. He even subconsciously widened the door just to get a better look. The boy was beyond surprised. She smiled so brightly and laughed so much, but seeing her like this?

He could never imagen seeing her cry.

Rosa took one look at the person behind the door and her eyebrows knitted together. She bit her lip in order to keep a whimper from slipping out. She was already in so much emotional pain, seeing the living reminder of the fact that her brother could leave her too made her want to curl up into a ball, right then and there.

She paid no attention to the boy's surprised expression and instead shook her head, never meeting his gaze. "Not you... anyone but you." Her voice was barley a whisper as she wiped away the oncoming tears and pushed past him into the dorm.

She walked down the long hallway. Her breath started to become ragged while her heartbeat sped up. Belittling thoughts flooded her mind.

What the hell am I doing here?

This is my fault.

They warned me but I refused to listen.

This is my fault.

I should have dealt with this like I normally do.

As kids, when these incidents started to happened Rosa would always find comfort in her brother. However, when he debuted and became busier, she realized that she couldn't bother him any longer. She had her own way of comforting herself: A pint of classical vanilla ice cream and crying herself to sleep. It wasn't optimal but it did the trick.

She was actually walking to the connivence store to buy the must needed ice cream, however, when she noticed her brother's contact pop up from the group chat, her feet started to bring her here.

I'm just going to ruin the mood.


Is it too late to go back?

"Mark, do you need cash for the tip?" She heard Johnny's voice call out from around the corner. The girl looked back the way she came to see Mark standing by the door.

Rosa quickly turned away, took a deep breath and peaked around the corner to see all of them. Some were sitting on the couch, others at the table, and a few on the floor. She was trying to figure out the right words before someone walked down the stairs.

"That poor delivery guy." Ten replied shaking his head as he made it to the bottom of the stairs. When he looked over to the hallway, he saw her.

"Rosa??" He replied in shock however, only became more worried as he got a better look at her disheveled state.  The noise in the room seemed to immediately die down as all eyes were on her.

"Cheeto." She practically ran to him as her voice barely managed to squeak out the singular word before the water works streamed down her face. She wrapped her arms around him and she felt him do the same. She started to sob into her big brother's sweat shirt. Rosa was practically having a mental break down in front a bunch a guys she barley knew, but she didn't care.

She was just glad to not be alone for once.

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