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A/n : I just wanted to say that since school will be starting up soon, I will go back to posting twice a week (Monday and Friday). Sorry about this, but I'm VERY busy during the school year. Deadass get like 5 hours of sleep on a good day, if you catch my drift. Anyways, back to the story!

"EVERYTIME" Lucas yelled as he looked at the tv screen with frustration. Rosa pumped her fist in victory as she laughed at her friend's reaction.

It was almost midnight and the two had just finished yet another Mario Kart tournament in Rosa's apartment. Her guest having lost each and every round to her that night.

"Cheer up Xuxi." She replied to her frustrated friend as he sat, slumped on the couch with his arms crossed in a way that reminded her of a child. "Tonight is just not your night. You'll get me tomorrow."

He looked at her and then at his watch before saying. "I hope you're right because tomorrow is in about 15 minutes." He seemed to have gained a little bit of confidence back.

The girl chuckled at his behavior, once again before they heard a knock at the door. "It's the pizza!" He lively replied, standing up and walking over to the door.

Rosa quickly followed saying "But I didn't- " as Lucas opened the door.



"You are not Rosa." One of the two girls that stood on the other side of the door replied. The other looking at him with wide eyes.

"And you aren't pizza." Lucas said slightly disappointed at the absence of delicious food however, overall much more curious.

"What?" Rosa said pushing past her much taller friend to see the newcomers. When she saw them, her eyes lit up.

"Luna! Athena!" She practically yelled as she ran up to them and gave them a warm and welcoming hug. "What are guys doing here?" She asked curious yet still very happy by the sudden visit.

"Welllllll" Athena replied trying to recall the sudden events herself meanwhile Luna took in a deep breath.

"SothereisthisgroupchatthatwasmadeforthevariousleadersofdiffrentkpopgroupsbecausetheyneedasupportgroupforeverythingtheyjavetoputupwithandTaeyongwhoistheleaderofyourbrother'sgroupIguesstextedthegroupchatexplainingthatwenttothedormcryingtheotherdayandsincechrisisaleadertooandheoverheardmeonthephonetalkingwothyoutheotherdaymentionedittomeandIgrabbedAthenaandwebookeditallthewayherebecauseyouareourchildandwewillnotletanyonemakwyoucrywearehereforyouandbroughticecreamtoo." The eldest quickly explained as she quickly took in another breath.

"Yeah that." Athena sweetly replied as she held up a bag with a tub of classic vanilla ice cream, Rosa's favorite.

Rosa's heart gushed for her friend's actions as she looked at them. "Thank you so much! I'm ok now, promise! This is still super sweet for you to do so thanks again." She told them before hugging them once again. "How about we go inside and share this together?"

Both girls nodded as they followed Rosa inside. Luna skeptically eyed Lucas being the "protective mother" figure she was before she spoke. "By the way, who is this?"

"Oh this is Lucas." Rosa replied pointing to her tall friend. "He is from Chittaphon's group so I met him along with the others and he grew to be my best guy friend."

"Oh that's nice." Athena replied smiling at Lucas. "I'm Athena and that's Luna." She introduced.

He smiled at them. "It nice to meet you both!"

The rest of the night the four talked about everything and everyone. At some point Luna asked if Lucas and Rosa were dating only for both to start nonsensically laughing at the crazy thought. Afterwards, Athena and Luna told Luca's stories of how Rosa was growing up since the two practically raised her. By the end of the night, Rosa was as red as a tomato due to the embarrassing stories however, overall the night was filled with laughter and fun.

Lucas bid them goodbye as he left for the dorm while Luna and Athena crashed on the couch for the night.

Rosa stared at the ceiling from her warm bed with a content sigh. A singular word escaped her lips before she drifted off to a peaceful slumber.

"It's not so cold anymore."

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