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Ten🦋: So I know we said that we were going to divide the supervision responsibility so that Taeyong would not be stressed....

Jaeyong🥛: oh no

Taeyong😴: What happened??

Johnny💚: We lost Mark, Lucas, and Rosa

Taeyong😴: That is everyone that is literally EVERYONE YOU WERE IN CHARGE OF

Jaeyong🥛: FR HOW?

Johnny💚: YeEhAw

Ten🦋: 🤠

Rosa🌹: Smh just get married already

Ten🦋: Wtf where are you??

Rosa🌹: Uh

Johnny💚: ???

Kun♠️: Well, good news Lucas is with me, Winwin, Yangyang, XiaoJun, and Hendery at the coffee shop we walked passed

Taeyong😴: Wait, what about Chenle and Renjun?

Taeil👾: Renjun decided to join Haechan, Doyoung and I to go get frozen yogurt

Yuta🧶: And Jaemin said he wanted to bring Chenle and Jisung with Shotoaro, Sungchan, and I to go window shopping

Doyoung🐰: Who gave Yuta that much responsibility?

Winwin🏆: That isn't going to end well I'm calling it now

Yuta🧶: Hey I can be responsible!

Winwin🏆: mhm sure

Yuta🧶: you saw that shirt I was wearing today?

Winwin🏆: The oversized black t-shirt?

Yuta🧶: Yup that one

Winwin🏆: What about it?

Yuta🧶: it's made of husband material

Johnny💚: no ❤️

XiaoJun🐯: no ❤️

Hendery🐚: no ❤️

Ten🦋: no ❤️

Doyoung🐰: no ❤️

Jaehyun🥛: no ❤️

Taeil👾: no ❤️

Winwin🏆: no ❤️

Yuta🧶: Alright, your loss

Taeyong😴: Now that I think of it, Jaemin is with them, they should be fine

Jaemin💘: Yup all good here!

Taeyong😴: Ok, then Jeno, Jungwoo and Mark wya ?

Jeno🎲: Jungwoo and I are at the terminal and he is currently trying to beat my Tetris record

Jungwoo🥺: I did it! UwU!

Jeno🎲: Wait what?! That took me an entire week!!

Jungwoo🥺: Guess i win hehe... time to sign over your first born child.

Yuta🧶: 🤠

Jaehyun🥛: 🤠

Taeil👾: 🤠

Doyoung🐰: 🤠

Kun♠️: 🤠

Lucas📣: Looks like Darkwoo is back

Shotaro😊: Dark what?

Yangyang🌏: I'm guessing that's what Lucas named Jungwoo's highly competitive dark side

Lucas📣: Yup

Sungchan🐶: I'm disappointed in my self with the fact that I'm not surprised...

Renjun📒: You will get used to it

Haechan🔅: Yup, you will be fully accustomed to it around the 1 year benchmark

Jaehyun🥛: Alright! Enough borderline cult talk you two Ahahaha we are totally NOT a cult ahahah

Shotaro😊: Don't worry

Sungchan🐶: We accept our fate

Lucas📣: Oop

Taeyong😴: Lucas were you with mark?

Lucas📣: Yeah, him, Rosa and I were playing hide and seek but then I just gave up

Taeyong😴: I-

Taeyong😴: @Mark where are you??

Mark🍉: Uh

Kun♠️: Let me guess, you and Rosa went to get Ramen?

Rosa🌹: Yyyup that's ToTaLly iT hAhHah

Mark🍉: HAhHHaHa YoU Got uS

Taeyong😴: ?

Kun♠️: They will be back at the terminal in 20mins, won't they?

Mark🍉: nO pRoBleMO

Rosa🌹: YoU GoT It

Ten🦋: You know, you could have just asked us?

Johnny💚: Yeah, afternoon ramen always hits the spot

Taeyong😴: Alright, Well looks like I can relax...

Jaemin💘: I'm really feeling for a Trenta macchiato +5 espresso shots, anyone with me??


Taeil👾: It was a joke...

Haechan🔅: oh no 🤠

Taeyong😴: I see that there is an issue. What is the issue?

Haechan🔅: So that is the phrase that would turn Jaemin back to normal from the hypnosis I put him under

Jaehyun🥛: And why would you pick "my Gemini sun is making me act up"?

Haechan🔅: I thought I was the only Gemini...

Shotaro😊: I have never seen anyone chug down that much caffeine that quickly

Sungchan🐶: Its honestly a talent, like DAMN

Taeyong😴: oh no

Jaemin💘: ☕️☕️☕️

Jaehyun🥛: 🤠🤠🤠

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