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A/n : I've basically planed out this entire story, and all I can say is: oOp

It was later in the day. All the members (apart from Ten and Lucas) had arrived home and were sitting around the living area. Their conversation was centered around the new revelation they found out only hours prior.

"So we figured it out." Taeyong spoke out into the uncharacteristically quiet room. Everyone seemed to be zoning out into their own thoughts. They did not know what to say. "I guess we did." Kun responsed seeing as no one else was going too.

Although it may seem like a weird reaction to finding who was in love with Rosa. They all seemed to flash back to the break down the girl had after a single date. One person in particular, was especially worried.

Mark was looking up at the ceiling. Thoughts were rushing through his mind. He lied to everyone in the room, not to mention the fact that he framed one of his other friends.

"Framed" it seemed like a harsh word to use, but Mark felt like he had done a terrible thing. He had never done anything like this before. The guys were like his family. Needless to say he felt guilty.

He was taken from his thoughts when he heard the sound of two muffled yet familiar voice. The front front door promptly opened after that. "I don't get!"

"What is there to get?!"

"Don't yell at me!"

"You're the one who started yelling!" 

"No I wasn't!"

"How about we all calm down?"

"Lucas don't get in the middle of this."

"Hell no!"

Ten and Rosa walked into the living area with a tired Lucas in tow. "Um what happened here?" Johnny asked at the odd occurrence. It was common for Ten and Rosa to bicker but too genuinely argue was quite rare.

"Have you noticed that she calls me Ten now?!" Ten asked the taller with obvious annoyance plastered on his face.

"Yeah." Johnny responded a bit confused. "She has been for a while now." Ten's eyes widened at his words.


"I thought you knew?"

"I didn't..."

Ten looked dejected and Rosa didn't know why. He only noticed it when she called him "Ten" at the park. After that, he got really quite until later when he brought up the topic, and it suddenly blew up to this.

The girl took a deep breath, from her spot next to the door, and lowered her voice. She didn't want to argue anymore. "Look, I just don't get what the big deal is?" Rosa spoke.

"Seriously??" He turned to her shocked by her apparent audacity. Rosa simply looked at the ground. She knew better than to answer that question.

Mark looked on at the interaction at hand. It had definitely taken his mind of the previous situation, but now, all he think of was how distant Rosa seemed.

She was never like that around him therefor it was a little shocking to see how detached she acted to her own brother at the moment.

"Everyone calls you Ten." The girl muttered under her breath, and the look he shot her could turn her heart to ash. However, she held his gaze. The same gaze that seemed so filled with sadness in that very moment. Rosa, could not look away.

"You don't... you didn't." He retaliated.


"So. So??"

"...Can I cut in?" An unexpected Canadian onlooker, cut into the very tense conversation.

Neither party said a word, they simply waited for whatever he was going to say.

"Rosa, I don't think you understand how much Ten appreciates the childhood nickname you gave him. And Ten, I don't think you understand why she stopped using it." Mark replied looking at the two.

Rosa turned to towards Ten first "I didn't want to embarrass you in front of your friends". She replied before promptly looking at the floor.

A moment later, she could feel a comforting a familiar embrace. "First of all, you need to understand that when you call me by a stupid nickname it's ok, because it reminds me that I'm not just "Ten"." Her older brother told her before starting to laugh. "Secondly, you need to know that nothing is embarrassing around these clowns."


The room erupted and soon tense and tiring night turned a fun and rather chaotic dinner.

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